When your on your period

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Okay I'm not the only who hates periods. They suck! But hey here's some eddsworld BOIS. 💚💙💜❤️
Also sorry for being nonexistent on this book.
Published 5/11/20

💚Edd: " oh crap, I dunno how to deal with this... "
Edd said when he reacted to you on your period.
Laying in bed in pain from the cramps. Tried. And wanting a lot of chocolate.
Edd was used to this now. He got you chocolates, tampons and pads. But when he came back from the store Eduardo would make fun of him for getting odd things. Edd replied: " like to see you taking care of your girlfriend. " and ooooooooohhhhhhhhh he didn't talk to Edd for weeksss. But Edd would hug you kiss your head and cuddle you. And rub your tummy if the pains got to bad.

💜Matt: " I ummm..... y/n u okay 🥺 ? " he first said when he saw you in agony on the bed.
Matt soon learned about periods so he asked tord if could come to the store to get stuff for you. While walking back home with tord with the bag of pads and movies and more tord said: " you should probably bang her while she's on her period " he said jokingly. Matt just gave him a (O_O)  face because what the hell man.
But for sure he took care of ya for the entire week.

💙Tom: " Shit,shit,shit, y/n are you okay??? " he said ask seeing the blood on the bed.

That wasn't the first time that happened. Usually your periods lasted at least for two or three weeks. Which made you had really bad mood swings, hiding in the dark, and devouring chocolate with the wrapper still on. One time you had go outside for something and then Eduardo said: " you like been through hell and not back. " he said with a grin. That ticked you off and made you go over to him and gave him a punch in the face and a black eye. After that Edd wonder why mark and Jon where screaming outside, until he saw you stomping back in the house.

Tom soon understood about this and brought at least enough stuff for at least three weeks while you on your period. You where the happiness girl in the world.

❤️Tord: " well~ someone grouchy today. " he looked at you on the bed.
Tord was a complete tease during your period. He'd making small jokes, tickle you, etc. You didn't really like it but he would understand that. So some days he'd get you chocolate,food blankets and put on movies for you, he dose love you. But if anyone messes with you or anyone you know on your period. The can saw their prayers, because whoohoo, they dead as hell. Even though tord somehow dead twice and still alive. You didn't question it.

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