--We're Just Getting Started--

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"Tell me you love me." Cody brought his face closer to mine, looking me dead in the eye.

I shook my head and breathed heavily through my nose, my brows furrowing in frustration.

"I said tell me you fucking love me Hailey!" He roared, his voice bouncing off the cracked stone walls of the isolated room and traveling to my ears in a somewhat discomforting sound which caused me to jump in my seat. 

"Never." I hissed back.

Cody narrowed his eyes at me and spit at my face when he straightened himself up. I whimpered in disgust as I felt his glob of spit hit me directly at the corner of my mouth, and was now making its way down to my chin.

"Bring him in." Cody smirked at me as he made his command, and I frowned back in fear as to what he meant.

The sound of an opening door made its way to my ears along with the creaky hinges when two guys stepped into the dim room. A dragging noise followed them and I somewhat observed that they were dragging something in between them.

"Lights, Melissa." Cody ordered, his voice loud and clear.

"Someone's going to come looking for me." I said to him.

He sneered. "No one's going to come and look for you, Hailey. Your parents are out of town and you've lost all of your friends. You have no one, no one but me."

What he said was nothing but the truth. "Look at that, you actually told me something that didn't spell complete bullshit all over it!" I tried once again to rid myself out of the straps that were holding me to this chair, but as always, I ran out of breath and slowly gave up as beads of sweat began to form around my forehead.

"Someone's getting a little impatient, are we?"

"Nathan's going to come looking for me. And if not him, then Jared will." I said, trying to assure myself that I would get out of this situation.

"We'll see about that," there was a slight pause when Cody spoke again. "Actually, Melissa, why don't you bring in prettyboy as well?"

Quiet, dreadful minutes passed by as I attempted to make out who these two guys had dragged in here, but due to the dim light I could only see a silhouette. 

The door opened with a creak and was slammed shut when Melissa's voice filled the room. 

"Let's go." 

I squinted my eyes to see Melissa holding something large in her hand, pushing yet another person in front of her to where Cody was standing. He walked in a funny way, as if his legs were nothing but jelly for he stumbled to the ground every few seconds. 

When Melissa finally reached Cody's side, he paused for a moment to look at me with this look; the look that notified me everything was going his way. And in seconds, he took hold of the stranger the two men had held in between them and dragged him into the light, which happened to be hanging right above me.

"You think Jared will come and save you?" Cody harshly threw the guy to the ground a foot away from me, and my eyes frantically moved to the guy who now laid onto his side, facing away from me. "Look Hailey in the eye you fucking bastard, look her in the eye and let her know the pain she's caused you."

I frowned as my eyes roamed all over his body; his tattered and torn clothes, his dirty and sweaty skin, his hands tied behind him in thick ropes that surely made burn marks onto his wrists. But what really worried me was the spots of blood stained onto the fabric of his clothes in certain areas, and that was when I began to wonder if he looked worse in the front.

What Happened This Summer (on hiatus) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now