[10] Too Good to Be True

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I stared at the black pistol that was in Cody's hand, aimed towards me. My lip quivered and I felt a pang of worry rise up in my gut, so I slowly put my hands up.

"Cody, drop the gun." I said, slowly.

"No babe, put the phone down."

I shook my head. "Cody, please put the gun down." I begged.

"Not until you place your damn phone on the ground."

I opened my mouth to speak but shut it quickly when I saw Cody cock the pistol back. "Dammit Hailey put your damn phone down or I swear I'll fucking shoot!" He yelled, his voice booming throughout the house.

I stared at him with wide, frightened eyes and dropped my phone. "There; happy?" I asked.

Cody looked at me, his brows furrowed together before placing the pistol back in his pocket, and shook his head. "Fuck, I really need to get my shit together." He whimpered, leaning his head against the wall, his arm resting above it.

I frowned and felt a bit of ease, for I didn't know if he was putting up an act or if he was actually serious. Cody took a shaky breath and looked at me, making his way over. I took a step back and he stopped, giving me a sad expression. Hell, it wasn't my fault; it was basically an instinct due to what he had done to me while we were together.

"You're scared of me." Cody said softly.

I nodded, and slightly shook my head, not sure what to say in order to please him. "I-I...I don't know." I simply replied.

"Admit it. I know you're scared of me." He took another step towards me and I slightly moved back, my eyes steady on his. "Hell, I can't even take a step to you without you backing away."

I bit my lip and didn't dare avert my eyes from him, too scared to see what he would do.

And in one sudden movement he raced towards me and wrapped his arms around me. My instinct was to push him away and scream, but as soon as I put my arms up to shove him away, I felt his chest rise up and heard him take another shaky breath. "I'm sorry." His head was at the crook of my neck, and I could've sworn I felt a tear on my skin.

"I'm so fucking sorry Hailey. So sorry." He whimpered, his body shaking with every breath he took.

Cody was actually crying.

Actually fucking crying.

I looked at him, or what I could see of him with curiosity because I'd never seen him like this before. I never even thought there was a soft side to Cody. I blinked and wrapped my arms around his waist, hesitant at first but knew that it wouldn't do any harm to attempt to comfort him.

"I don't know if I can forgive you." I said softly.

"I'm not asking for forgiveness," He pulled away and released me from his hug, and looked at me with teary blue eyes. The blue eyes I couldn't resist when I first met him. "i'm just letting you know that I'm sorry. You deserve an apology from me for the terrible things I did to you."

I nodded, and was finally relieved that he had shown the good side of him, the one I fell in love with in the beginning. "Okay."

"It was the alcohol. That made me do that stuff to you Hailey, hell I can't even remember half of the actions I made, I just remembered passing out a few times and waking up with you gone."

"Yeah well I'm glad you've come to realize this."

Cody licked his lips and glanced at the ground, wiping his tears away with his fingers. He then looked at me with the same sad expression. "Why did we break up?"

I closed my eyes and breathed, knowing he would've asked this question sooner than later. I opened my lids and looked at him. "You know why, that shouldn't even be a question."

"Yeah, I know it was because of me. But minus the drinking and the drugs, would we still be together today?"

I shook my head. "I don't know Cody, to be honest I really don't want to be talking about...us right now--er about our relationship."

"But I'm being serious. If I didn't drink or do drugs and just kept away from all that shit, would you have dumped me?"

"I don't know." I said.

"I'd like to know. I'd like to know that there was a moment you actually enjoyed your time with me."

I rolled my eyes. "I liked the times when you didn't drink. When you actually took me out on a date and cuddled with me while watching sappy movies, cooked me some food; that kind of stuff. But that didn't even last a month. And throughout that whole year I dated you I was hoping I could try and bring that side of you out again, despite the way you treated me."

Cody sighed and rubbed his eyes, then bringing his hand up to run his fingers through his blonde streaks. "Shit." He cursed his under his breath before looking at me once more. "Have you gotten over me Hailey?"

My jaw dropped and I raised my eyebrows. Is he fucking serious right now? Of course I've gotten over him. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Because ever since you broke up with me I've felt like complete shit. I fucking wanted to make it up to you Hailey, I really did but I knew you wouldn't give me a chance to. I mean, I've already fucked up so many times, I don't see why or how you could. But here I am now, and I really want to make it up to you, for all those times I've treated you like shit."

I shook my head, not really wanting to get involved with him anymore. "That's okay Cody, an apology from you is perfectly fine."

"No, no it's not. I want to make it up to you."

"There's no need for that." I argued.

Cody opened his mouth to speak back but frowned. "It's Nathan and that one guy, isn't it?"

My eyes widened in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You won't even consider it because of Nathan. You and him look like a fucking couple, and it's really making me jealous as hell but I can't do anything about it. And then there's another guy who's apparently been hitting on you."

"Have you been fucking stalking me?" I asked, raising my voice.

"No, I haven't. I've just heard people talking about it, that's all."

I rolled my eyes. "Cody, learn to let me go. Get over me, I'm not worth trying to get back."

"Yeah, you are. You don't know how much it would mean to me if you could give me another chance."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest. "You know the answer to that."

"Exactly, so I'm trying to win you over somehow. I mean, if I've done it once, I can try one more time to get you back."

"Are you going to force me back, or are you actually going to give me a chance to think about it?"

"I'll give you time to think about  it, and I'll try my best to convince you. But if the time comes to where you won't even consider the thought, then I'll force you."

I chuckled to myself and couldn't believe I was so stupid. This whole fucking thing was an act to warn me about what I would face throughout this summer. "You're not forcing me into anything."

Cody began to walk back to the door, unlocking it. "Like I said before, I've forced you to do things against your will. And if I've been able to do it once, it won't stop me from doing it again." 

And with that, he opened the door and shut it behind him.


A/N: okay, so this was kind of a boring chapter but I needed something that would finally move this story along. And 700 reads? wooooo :D xo (sorry for any mistakes) 

What Happened This Summer (on hiatus) [EDITING]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu