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JUNE 3rd

12:50 PM

"And we kissed and oh my god oh my god I got the chills and--"

I immediately interrupted Leah whilst setting the bowl of popcorn between Kayla and I, "You kissed him?"

Leah reached over for a few kernels and popped one into her mouth. "'Course I kissed him."

I frowned and glanced at Kayla. "I thought we all swore not to kiss guys on the first date."

"Yeah, back in like middle school."

"So? I mean, we've brought it up now and then."

"Honestly," Kayla looked at me and rolled her eyes, "you basically swore to yourself that you wouldn't kiss a guy on the first date."

"I did not--"

"Like," Leah interrupted, "you made us all promise not to but I didn't think you were actually serious about it."

Are you kidding me? "What the hell guys?"

Kayla gave me a strange look. "What, it's not anything bad." 

"Seriously; why are you so freaked out about this? I mean, we both know the situtation between you and Cody."

I glared at Leah. "There is absolutely nothing going on between us, so don't even bring him up.


I shut the door quietly and faintly heard the front door open.


To tell him, or to not tell him?

I leaned against my white painted wooden door, and sighed. I knew this was a bad idea, I should've just rejected Jared in the first place, but it was so hard not to give in to his question.

Get your shit together Hailey. I straightened myself up and removed my clothes as well as Jared's shirt and slipped into a bikini. I ran into my bathroom and saw that the hickey had now turned into a somewhat purple-reddish mark. I grabbed some of my foundation and began to apply it on, evening the liquid out to make it blend in with my skin.

I quickly threw my hair up into a bun and splashed some water onto myself, making it look like I had just gotten out of a pool or something.

And now comes the hard part.

Once I head down those stairs, Nathan's going to most likely notice my bikini, and wonder why I'm in it in the first place.

So I either had to make up an excuse, or tell him the truth.

I closed my eyes and knew I couldn't lie to his face, but I couldn't tell him the truth either. If I tell him the truth, he's going to be hurt and I definitely know I won't be able to stand that, but if I lie to him, he's going to figure out sometime and be hurt as well.

Either way, our friendship was on the line.

To lie or to tell the truth.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I glanced at my bed and grabbed a pillow, burrying my face into it and screaming as loud as I could.

"I can't do this." I said to myself, throwing the pillow back onto my bed.

No, don't think like that Hailey. Go downstairs and tell him the truth and if your friendship fades away, know that you deserved it because you brought this onto yourself.

What Happened This Summer (on hiatus) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now