[9] Shit.

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I took a step back and slammed the door shut in his face. I turned around to look at my friends who we're looking at me curiously.

"O-oh m-my g-g-g--" I was stuttering so fucking bad and suddenly felt fear creeping up inside of me. My heart began to beat faster, my lip quivering; no words coming out.

"Hailey, breathe." 

I shook my head and gulped, my hands shaking. "Nnn--"

Kayla walked over and gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong with you?"

I pointed at the door with a shaky finger and froze when the doorbell rang. 

"Hailey, you realize you just shut the door in my face." 

Kayla and Leah froze, their gazes slowly moving towards the door. "Oh my god--"

"No fucking way."

They looked at me with wide eyes. "Is that...?"

I nodded, flashbacks suddenly running through my mind. That time when he first hit me, and then apologized after. That time he punched me in the face, causing a black eye to form shortly after. That time he kicked me out by shoving me out through the door, after I grabbed the bottle of beer from his hand.

My eyes scrunched shut and I clenched my fists together, not prepared for the next flashback that happened to run through my mind.

The time he almost took advantage of me.

I shuddered at the memory, trying my best to rid it out of my mind, but it stayed there.

Cody was drunk; more drunk than ever and he had passed the line of being abusive. I realized this and slowly began making my way towards the front door of his house before he grabbed me.


I slowly began making my way towards the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. I was actually terrified now because Cody didn't seem to be his usual drunk self. He seemed more... angry than usual. He had just thrown a bunch of furniture around, breaking the glass coffee table and scaring me to death.

I turned around and the door handle was a few feet from my reach, and when I went to grab hold of it, Cody grabbed hold of my hair and yanked me back. Hard. I screamed and fell, my bum hitting the floor first.

"Where do you think you're going you little bitch?" Cody grabbed a bunch of my hair and was now literally dragging back through his house. 

"Let me go, let me go!" I screamed, bringing my hands up to grab hold of his wrist and attempting to hit him, whilst kicking my legs and trying to get free.

"Shut the hell up slut." His hand came down and I received a blow to the side of my head, softly crying out after.

"Cody, stop you're hurting me!" 

"I said shut up bitch!"  I felt his hands grip around my head, and I had to stand up to prevent him from ripping my head off my neck. He shoved me into the staircase headfirst and I cried out, slowly sliding to the floor.

"Stop crying and get up."

I sniffed, and looked up at Cody, a few strands of hair getting in my face. Cody looked at me with hungry eyes, his hair messier than usual and his skin tone a bit paler. "No." I mumbled and closed my eyes, knowing that he would make me regret answering to him like that.

"I said get the fuck up!" His hand made contact with my right cheek and I put my hands up, attempting to defend myself, my cheek feeling a painful burning sensation.

What Happened This Summer (on hiatus) [EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora