Chapter Nineteen

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It was the last day of term, but it only felt like yesterday that I was entering school for the first time in six weeks. The clock was ticking way too fast and soon I would be leaving, the thought gave me mixed emotions. So much had changed since then, some things for good and some for bad. Things had been okay between me and Noah. It was hard finding time during the week where we could see each other outside of school. Most lunch times I spent in his classroom doing work, he was actually helping me to get my grades higher. I had gone from a low C to a B in a couple of weeks. Leigh was upset that she hadn’t seen me much, but I had promised her that I would spend more time with her in the week off.

She and Dylln had been spending a lot of time together lately which was a good thing; she always had a smile on her face every time I saw her. Sadly, that wasn’t the case for Annie.

Something was happening between Annie and Dan and it wasn’t good. Every day they seemed to be arguing. There were no longer any cute messages passed between them. No ‘you’re beautiful’ or ‘I love you’ anymore. It was either a message full of hate or Dan saying sorry for doing something ridiculous. Bags had formed under her eyes and I was always there to wipe away the tears.

At first they had argued over stupid things like Annie complementing a guy's outfit, but now it was just Dan making an argument out of anything. I’m not
being biased, I had seen the texts. The first argument happened in the middle of a clothes shop, they'd been screaming at each other and were eventually escorted out by the security guards. Dan had just walked away without saying a word. He messaged her the next day apologising and she had forgiven him.

I was still meeting up with Jack, but I had made it clear that I only wanted to be friends, nothing more. He was sad about it at first, but then he agreed and we even shook on it. We'd hang out after school some days and there was never any sign of tension or awkwardness. It was actually quite fun. We'd walk around town, go into shops and buy a few things on occasion.

I was trying to find Annie and Leigh after being with Noah again. Her red hair stood out and it was easy to find her. Though, by the look of it, I was once again going to have a wet shoulder. I jogged over to her, took her phone out of her hand, placed it in my pocket
and walked her away from the crowd.

“What's he done now?” I wrapped my arms around her and felt her begin to cry into my shoulder. The bell went and people walked by giving us weird looks, but with a simple shake of my head they scurried off and left us. Teachers came over and tried to talk to her, but I told them that there was nothing they could do and to leave me to sort things out. At one point Noah walked by. He saw us and started walking towards us, but left when I mouthed ‘no’ at him. Leigh had run to the bathroom to grab us some tissue. She handed it to me when she returned and then ran off to her lesson.

I dragged Annie over to a bench and sat her down. It was the worst I had seen her. “What did he do Annie?”
“We were supposed to meet up, but he just messaged me saying he was going to meet someone else instead. I rang him and asked him who but he said that it was none of my business and hung up.” Her words were mumbled but I could just make them out. It took the whole of last lesson for me to calm her down. I missed History but that was okay.
“It might be a stupid question, but do you still want to come to that party tonight?”
“Yeah sure, I need to get my mind off this and have a good night.” She said. We had the week off now, meaning we could stay up late without having to worry about being tired for the next day. Sure, I was sixteen, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to enjoy myself and drink maybe a little alcohol. The week had been stressful and it was only going to get worse.

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