"So Nightwatch." he started as I sat beside him fiddling with my hair. "You know how worried he is about you?"

"Who?" i asked back finally looking into his eyes

The man chuckled "Literally everyone, Steve, Barnes, Nat, the king, but most of all that partner of yours."

"Oh..." I started and looked away again. "I didn't mean to worry everyone."

"Hey, you're all good." Tony replied "Everyone was scared that the mystery girl was taken to prison as if she was an adult, and Spiderboy. God he wouldn't shut up the whole way back to New York. He was half crying and half yelling. He talked about how scared you were when they took you and how they wouldn't let him help you. That boy is really beating himself up over this ya know."

I hung my head as he spoke, I never thought Spiderman cared that much about me. I know I'd be feeling similarly if I lost him, but I figured the feelings were one sided. I felt myself blush a little as I tried to find a name for how I felt about him. My mind raced to him catching me today, how we hugged and he spun me around, and even when he lifted his mask just enough to kiss my forehead as I healed myself. My stomach bubbles but I pushed it down. I guess I was starting to crush on him, but I don't even know his name. I'll worry about it later.

"Can i see him?" i asked

Tony nodded "Of course, both of your excuses extended the whole weekend so you'll be staying in stark tower for the time being, I'll get him a smaller mask so you guys can be comfortable while still being able to hang out and wander around you know."

"O-okay." I replied looking forward.

The rest of the flight was long and silent. Most of my time was spent healing some wounds of Mr.Stark's or my own. Especially my feet which had gotten quite hurt after doing half of the fight barefoot. For part of the trip I also slept, and for a small amount of time I sketched a new dress designed on some napkins I had found laying around the plane. When we arrived Mr.Stark notified me by snatching the napkin I was drawing on. He studied the drawing for a moment before smiling at me.

"Midtown high school right?" he started and I nodded "You must be in the design department, you draw your dress patterns like machinery blueprints."

I blushed a little and tried to steal the napkin back but the man kept it and stuffed it in his pocket "Nope I'm keeping this." he started "either way, we are here and if you don't go and give that kid a hug i might strangle him, he has been texting me non stop panicking about you."

"Spidey." I mumbled as I stood from my seat and went to the door of the plane.

It had been opened and there were stairs leading to the platform. After taking a deep breath I stepped out of the plane and looked at where my feet were landing. About after way down I looked up and saw my partner standing there pacing back and forth. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I ran down the last steps. Spidey heard me coming and stopped moving to look at me. I ran full speed at him, tears of joy running down my cheeks. I jumped onto him wrapping my legs around his waist as I hugged him close with my face buried into his shoulder. Spidey spun me around for a minute as he held me. One of his hands was on the small of my back holding me to him as he other stroked my hair as he whispered in my ear trying to calm me down.

"I'm so happy to see you." i said into his shoulder "you know and not having to punch you in the face."

I could feel him chuckle as me and leaned back to look at him "I was so scared when they took you away, you're ok right? They didn't hurt you?"

"I'm ok." I told him before working with him to get me back on my feet.

My partner looked at me and smiled "New suit I see." he laughed a little as he looked me up and down taking in the better quality gear "With built in boots so you can't just take off your shoes during a battle again."

"That was your fault." I laughed out as I poked his nose.

Spidey laughed again and hugged me close "Next time I'm not going to let them just take you."

"Lets on let there be a next time ok." I smiled at him and wished I could see his expression.

"Ok Kids, that's enough." Mr.Stark said as he grabbed out shoulders to push us apart "You guys can continue whatever this is later, let's get you to the tower so you guys can shower and change and heal up before i have to take you back home."

"Wait does this mean we are gonna find out who the other is?" Spidey asked as we started to follow Tony.

The man laughed a little "That's up to you guys but i'm gonna get you a smaller mask for you to wear around the tower until you guys are ready." He replied to my partner who just nodded.

Nightwatch (Spiderman x oc)Where stories live. Discover now