3.The Authorities

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I got up early that day,dressed up and went out.I had to catch a cab to get to the Department of Environment.When I reached there,I immediately approached one of the volunteers and asked for the Administrator.He told me to take an appointment and wait.I had to wait for like 3 or 4hrs before I could meet him. He was startled to hear my observations and the fact was that it was true.He assured me that he'd refer me to the President and the concerned authorities as soon as he could.I was pleased to see that he was concerned about this as much as I was.I was glad.

I got a call from the Department the next day,and I was to attend an appointment with the President. I was overwhelmed to hear that.It was an honour to meet the President.

I took a print out of my reports and kept it neatly in my bag.I was to have my appointment at 4pm.The so called 'black cats' came to pick me.I couldn't just storm into the White House on my own,so I'd been given an escort.It was rather uncomfortable to sit with these policemen with guns.It was my first time seeing the White House in person.I was checked by a whole another group at the entrance and was taken to courtyard where a table had been set up for our meeting.The President was already seated there.He greeted me warmly and introduced me to the Head of Defence and some other people,who,according to the President were some men who were quite keen to save the nature.I wasn't really convinced though.

I presented my reports to the gathering.They were shocked to hear what I had to say.The President was left speechless and he told me that he couldn't imagine that the world will end this soon.He arrived on the conclusion that we should not let this reports get out as they might cause a global panic.He assured me that he'd take the necessary steps.He wanted me to help him with this.I did not see that coming my way,but all the same,I thought that it would be a good opportunity to serve the nation or at least do some good to the world.I always thought that I was pretty useless and I was a waste of space,this was the opportunity to prove otherwise to myself.Self assurance was what I needed,I didn't have to prove anything to anybody other than myself.

The President took me to the Pentagon,were I met the Head of Defence.He told me that,me being a Cosmologist it was ideal for me to work from the USSP (United States Space Station).I was on cloud nine after hearing that.A dream come true,space was the thing that wondered and attracted me the most.I never thought a day would come when I'd travel to space.

First,I had to go through a small training procedure.It was a 4 day affair.Experts from NASA taught me and gave me their valuable advice a long with the virtual experience.

Finally,the time came,just seeing the vessel itself was the most satisfying and breathtaking experience in my life.But I didn't realise that all this happiness would end up in a tragedy,I was too late to understand the fate that awaited me out there....

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