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I opened my eyes gradually.I felt wet around my back and felt like I was floating on water.When I looked around,I found out that I was being held captive in a cell made of water,it was awkward.Water lined the outer parts of the cell while the inner part was hollow.I went ahead and tasted some of the water.It tasted like mud.I spat on the cell floor.I couldn't see what was happening outside,suddenly I felt my cell move.Someone was or some people were carrying my cell.After a few minutes,they let me down and the water surrounding my cell suddenly disappeared.Some of those creatures stuffed some sort of a device onto my head.That was when I had the opportunity to see the people who had rescued me clearly.They almost looked like humans but somehow they were different.They were much more good looking,you could say.Golden rays protruded from their bodies,I looked up and saw what looked like a throne where sat a handsome man.He gestured to me and asked "You're human,right?",I nodded.I was amazed to see that he knew English.I asked him,overwhelmed with curiosity,"How can you understand me?","The device on your head translates",one of the guards replied.The man on the throne spoke again "Human,I am Xevar,the king of this planet,the great planet of Veztof.You are my prisoner and you obey me and me only.If you refuse,you will feel my wrath!"I didn't have many options,so I agreed.

The guards put me back in my cell.I had to do mining work all day.The only thing that was good about this planet was that the climate was not too harsh.It was always a cool climate,ideal for such work.I was much faster than the other prisoners,this was probably because the inhabitants of Veztof didn't find the climate too suitable for work.And they were much weaker than me,but this meant that I had to do more work.Every day after work,my body ached all over.I wasn't used to such manual labour,my old job never demanded that,it didn't demand anything,to be frank.I was given some sort of muck twice a day to eat.Though it was completely disgusting and made me vomit even by the smell,it improved my health and fitness considerably.All this work meant a sound sleep,which I was not used to on Earth.

The more I saw Veztof,the more I understood that it was more or less a barren planet,only suitable for mining.The only form of plant that grew there was something that looked vaguely similar to a cactus.But the place where Xevar lived was much more developed,huge buildings towered over the land.Mostly industries devoted to weapon making,according to one of the prisoners I'd developed a liking for.He was convicted of killing one of the guards.His name was Hilot.He told me that this planet had more inhabitants before and that Xevar had killed off those who refused to work for him and obey his orders.He'd forced people to work for him by holding their loved ones captive.He said Xevar was obsessed about some sword which held a vast amount of power.The mining was being done to find that sword and the resources collected were just the bonus.

The Veztof sky was scattered with the most amusing and beautiful of stars.At night,I stared at them and they dragged me to the depths of sleep.I always thought that all this work that I was doing was pointless,death was a much better option.And frankly,I wasn't afraid of dying anymore.But something held me back.A nagging feeling that I had some stuff to do before dying stopped me from committing suicide or just letting the guards kill me.All the digging only made me stronger and I felt that I'll need all this strength.Somewhere,sometime,something awaited me.

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