Chapter 20: Oblivious idiot

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It's been five days since Evangeline has last spoken to me. My mind was oblivious. I still wondered why she wouldn't talk to me. I knew she was crossing things off on her bucket list because I would see her roam through the hospital hallways doing random things. All while still avoiding me.

"Hey Beckett."

I turned and saw a friend I was becoming close to coming towards me. I had met her while bumping into each other to go into the cafeteria.

"Oh, hey Remington." I waved softly.

"Cora, Rhett and I were gonna go watch a movie at Movies 5 after group, did you wanna join?"

"Um-" I turn around and look at Evangeline talking to Doctor Walsh. She was paying no attention to anyone other than the conversation.

"I'm sure she'll still be here after." Remington said softly.

"It's not that, we're just not talking. And I don't know why."

"Have you asked her?"

"No. She avoids me at all costs. I can't."

"Well give her some time. She'll speak to you again." She smiled.

"Thanks Rem." I smiled lightly.

"The offers still up. It expires at six o'clock tonight."

"Alright." I smiled lightly. I still thought about Evie. But Remington was right, I did need to give her time because truthfully being in her space probably would keep her away.

Remington was a sweet girl. She had straight light brown hair that was slightly passed her shoulders. She constantly wore jeans with solid colored t-shirts and black vans. She was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma about a month and a half ago and she's surprisingly taking it well. Remington and I were becoming close. But not as close as Evangeline and I. Probably because I have feelings for Evangeline and she will be my number one through our silent and loudest moments.

Remingtons different. She doesn't wear chucks or beanies. She hates striped shirts and long sleeves because they make her feel too hot and they're too colorful. And she doesn't wear wigs. Instead, she wears all black vans, solid dark colored t-shirts, no hats or beanies, and wears a nose piercing. She's nothing like Evangeline. That's okay. She doesn't have to be.

I took up Remingtons offer. My initial thought was "I can't sit here waiting for Eve to talk to me." In some way I had to move on but stay in place. In case Evangeline did speak to me, I needed to be ready to here what she had to say.

I waited in line at the old movie theatre. Movies 5 was built in the fifties and it had some old design to it. The signs lit up like a vanity. I saw Remington, Rhett and Cora and waved. They gestured me to cut in line with them and of course, I did.

"Hey Beckett!" They all said while smiling widely showing teeth.

"Hey guys!"

"Glad you can make it. We're still deciding what movie but we're thinking about Back To The Future. What do you think?" Asked Cora.

"Don't hate me, but I've never seen Back To The Future. My parents say it's one of the best films of all time."

They all looked at me with shock. It was true, up until now I have never seen the series. Crazy seeing how much my parents were obsessed with the movies.

"Are you kidding me? Those movies weren't just the best. They were the GREATEST!" Shouted Rhett.

I chuckled and looked at Remington. She shrugged her shoulders and moved up the line. After Remington bought the tickets, we went inside and bought a large bucket of popcorn and four room temperature waters. We sat in the row with the railing where we can pick up our feet. I sat on the edge, Remington was next to me, then Cora and finally Rhett. We all ate popcorn and watched, but mostly laughed, at the movie.

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