Chapter 15: He's here.

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"Hey, can I come in?" Mumbled Evangeline.

"Well you're already in, so might as well." I chuckled.

"I'm upset."

I immediately looked up. I was hoping she wasn't going to go through that depressive episode she had went through a few days ago.

"Why? Are you okay?"

"No. My dads coming from England."


"I don't have the greatest relationship with him. After my mum died, he sort of shut me out and remarried a few months later. Then I became ill and he sent me away. Here I am." She looked down.

"I don't think your dad sent you away. I think he was just trying to get the best treatment for you."

"Really? At seventeen? I don't think so. I think he's just trying to spend time with the daughters that aren't actually dying. It's the truth." Her eyes became watery.

"That's not true, Evangeline. You know that. Can I ask you something?"

She looked up and looked me. I was nervous to ask but still curious.

"Why did you isolate yourself for like a week?"

"I had received the worst news of my life. My cancer has no treatment or drug trials. By the time they find what I have, I'll be long dead. So for now, they're putting me on some long named medicine that I can barely pronounce."

"So no treatment or drug trials means-"

"I'm dying, Beckett." She interrupted me. My heart sank. Evangeline was dying. There was no help left for her. I hugged her tightly. That's probably why her dad is coming. That's probably why she's upset about it. Because she's going to have to have that "I'm dying" talk with him. That one conversation no parent wishes to have with a child they're outliving.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay. It was up to you." My eyes became watery.

"Don't cry, Beckett." She placed her left hand on my right cheek. I leaned in for another hug. The only word I really could think of was damn. The one time I finally meet a friend, she's going to end up dying. I couldn't give up. One thing that means the most to Evangeline right now is her bucket list. I was going to anything and everything to help her complete it.

"I have a proposal. From here on out, I'm gonna help you finish that bucket list." I said.

"Oh. I don't know about the bucket list anymore. I'm dying. Doesn't it seem childish?"


"I'm kidding! Let's do this."

And so our adventure began. One long adventure that I knew I was going to remember. I was determined to make it a great one. She's a great person. Great people deserve great memories.

Evangelines Bucket ListWhere stories live. Discover now