Chapter 9: Coffee

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I woke up the next day. Surprised. I was in Evangelines hospital bed. We were both facing each other but in a cuddling way. Intertwined, actually. The gray blanket was over us. I had never felt more safe and at peace. I just wanted to lay in this position all day. Evangeline's head was against my chest. Her arms were still wrapped about my waist like the hug from last night. She looked like a heavy sleeper. She looked like she hadn't slept well in days. I moved her hair back with my index finger. Brushing my finger lightly against her pale skin. Her eyes slowly opened. She smiled at me.

"Hi Beckett." She whispered.

"Hi Evangeline." I smiled.

"You slept in my room. To make things even better, you cuddled me."

"No you cuddled with me." I smiled.

"Says the one with his right leg over my left thigh. Are you in love with me?" She smiled widely.

I smiled nervously. I was developing feelings for Evangeline. I didn't want her to know. A cancer romance? Really? Talk about Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters.

All I knew was I absolutely did not want to leave this hospital bed. I had never been so comfortable. I told myself numerous times it was bound to happen.

"No." I said nervously.

"Calm down, I was just trying to have a laugh." She smiled.

Weirdly, she quickly got up after she said that. I laid still. I couldn't understand why she was in a hurry. Maybe she got uncomfortable?

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Well, my dad is coming for a visit today. It's the first I've seen of him since I came here."


"Well my mum died two years ago in a hospital and now his own daughter is dying in a hospital. I don't blame him for not coming. He loathes hospitals. They can be quite depressing, really." She walked towards the window.

"Yeah my mom hated hospitals too. Nothing happened, they just really bum her out and she doesn't like seeing anyone in a sad place."

"Sorry." She said.

"For?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just- I didn't know how to respond. Sometimes my dad forgets I'm in a hospital. He forgets I'm in the states. That's probably why he never comes to visit me."


"I have to get going." She interrupted; trying to change the subject.

"Where?" I asked.

"Well I'm meeting Sophia today."

"Kennedy? The fourteen year old."

She chuckled. She didn't even answer me question. She changed her knitted sweater into a black one and walked out. It's the first time I've seen her out of her room in days. I turn around to look out her door and saw nurses surrounding her all at once. Each giving her a tight hug. Smiling at her. Happy that she's out of her room. I smiled. I was happy too.

I go back to my room and see my mom sitting on the chair.


"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to do a little shopping today?" She asked nicely.

"Mom, I have clothes."

"Aren't you tired of wearing the same sweats everyday?"

"They're joggers mom."

"Right, joggers. Come on. I'll buy you more. Let's have a fun day." She gave an awkward smile.

"Tell me what's going on." I asked.

"What? Nothings going on-"

"Then why do you want to take me out of the hospital all of a sudden?" I interrupted her.

"Beckett-" she lost her smile.

I just gave her a serious look. My mom is a serious woman. She can have her nice days but when it comes to me, she constantly worries about me and my cancer.

"I don't want to waste any days when your sick, something can happen Beck. I just want to make sure you're okay." She walked away.

"MOM!" I shouted.

She turned around dramatically. I walked closer to her and gave her a hug. I was pretty sure it was tiring worrying for her youngest son. I was the youngest out of three. My oldest brother, Garret, left to the marine corps when he graduated. I haven't seen him since I was fourteen. He's twenty two now. The second oldest, Grayson, just entered his third year in college. He's twenty. Then there's me, Beckett, the baby who has cancer and hasn't reached eighteen. Garret is basically out of the picture and so will I, soon. You can't tell me that's not rough.

"Wanna grab a cup of coffee at the cafeteria?" I smiled.

She smiled and gave me a side hug. We both walked to the cafeteria, still in the same position, and grabbed ourselves a nice warm cup of coffee. It was a good start to this morning.

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