Chapter 8: Level of Silence

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I hadn't heard from Evangeline for almost four days. She never left her hospital room. Which was a major concern given the fact that Evangeline actually hates her room. I was worried. Something major must've truly happened. Usually after meetings, Evangeline comes to my room and we go off to cross another thing off her list. But four days? How much space did she need?

The longer I waited for her, I became impatient. Losing my patience was becoming easier and easier each day she ignored me. But what could I do? A week ago we snuck out to go eat tacos and now she's in her room. I'm guessing alone.

I left my room to go to the cafeteria. I was meeting my best friend, David Byde. I haven't seen him in almost five months. I don't blame him, David is always busy with work. Not to mention he is a seventeen year old single teenage father to Clementine Dawn, his two year old daughter.

As I walked down the hall, I noticed Evangeline's door had been open for the first time in days. Doctor Walsh was in there. She was sitting on her bed facing the window with her back facing the door. Walsh was sitting next to her. Her room was gray. Sad. Empty. I had realized I stopped in the middle of the hallway. I lightly walked to the door. I wasn't eavesdropping, just secretly listening to a conversation.

"It'd be nice to see you walking around." Said Walsh.

She was just quiet. No words. Just silence.

"What about Beckett? Have you two spoken?" He asked nicely.

She nodded her no. I heard sniffle. I assumed her eyes were watery.

"Well, when you're ready, you should talk to him. I know he's you're greatest friend here. You've gotten along with him better than anyone here. We all need a friend Evangeline. Even though I don't admit it, I need Abigail. She's my wife. My best friend. I might not always want to talk to her, but I do need her." He patted her shoulder. He got up from the bed and began walking towards the door. When I saw him, I immediately ran.

"BECKETT!" I heard a shouting from behind me.

I turned around and it just so happen to be Doctor Walsh. Did he see me spying? I was caught eavesdropping. I knew I had to start apologizing continuously. I walked closer to him. Afraid. Anxious.

"How you been, kid?" He tapped my shoulder.

"Good? I'm meeting my friend-"

"Yeah that's great. Listen, I have a proposal I need to run by you." He interrupted.

"Which is?"

"I need you talk to Evangeline."

Hearing those words meant something. I wasn't so sure about speaking to her these past few days. But if somebody else is coming to me for help, it was sign she needed me.

"Okay." I whispered.

I walked away slowly. I had forgot about David. He was waiting for probably ten minutes. Luckily the cafeteria wasn't too far from my level.

"Beckett!" He shouted.

"David! Hey, man! How you been?" I said excitingly.

"Good, busy."

"Is this Clementine? She's so big!"

"Say hi Clem!" He smiled.

Quick back story about David. He had a girlfriend named Maggie. They lost their virginities to each other and became parents the following year to Clementine Dawn Byde. A month after giving birth, Maggie left. She couldn't deal with the pressures of being a mother and left Clementine with David. He hasn't seen or heard from her in two years. He became depressed and stressed but fixed himself up after his new girlfriend, Delaney Holmes. They've been together for a year now. They make each other happy.

"How's Delaney?" I asked.

"She's good. She's graduating early. She was accepted to NYU." He said disappointed.

"NYU? Wow. That's great. How you feeling about that?" I asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. But NYU? That's so, far? Our home is in Saint. I don't think I'm ready to leave far away."

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"I don't want to hold her back."

"So you're saying you want to let her go?" I whispered.

He looked down at Clem. He knew he had to do what was best. After all, Clementine was HIS daughter, not Delaneys. David constantly puts himself in situations that involve him being sad. It was obvious Delaney was his soulmate and he never wanted to leave her, but now he had to make a decision. Wether he stays in Saint and lets Delaney go or he goes with her and starts fresh. Whatever decision he makes will truly be based off of Clementine Dawn.

We sat for an hour talking about his blonde haired, blue eyed baby - who by the way, did not look anything like David. More like Maggie. Unfortunately, David had to go. Saint was an hour away. He had to work the next day and take Clem to his moms house in the morning. We hugged each other tightly, hopefully meeting up again soon and walked away.

My level was quiet. I was the only one walking the hallway. Two nurses were at the desk filling in paper work. I was walking to my room. Evangeline's door was still wide open. I passed it. But then I stopped in the middle of my tracks. I thought, "talk to her." I walked backwards slowly until I was at her door. She was facing the window but laying down this time. She was wearing gray sweats, a gray long sleeve with an extra large gray knitted sweater that reached her ankles and thick gray winter socks. I knocked softly. She turned around slowly. She just looked at me. She got up from her bed and walked towards me. I thought she was going to slam the door in my face. But she didn't. She walked up to me and just hugged me. Her arms were wrapped around my waist. My arms wrapped around her shoulders. She did not want to let go. She held me tightly. I could feel her breathing. Relief. Pressure lifted. Truth is, I did not want to let go either. I had never received such a hug like Evangeline's. It was heartbreaking. She wanted that hug to save her. I wanted to save her.

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