Stamina: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Aura: 100/100

Experience: 0/100

Semblance: none

(Y/n): what not butter!

{ Really? }

(Y/n): sorry couldn't resist *laughs nervously* anyway why I don't have a semblance?

[ It is part of the tutorial and you have to make or get random if you want to ]

(Y/n): oh okay then I will have the Shadow sovereign

[ I'm sorry but that is all ready taken ]

(Y/n): what who is the edgy Lord motherfucker toke it!?!?!

-meanwhile in the solo gamer-

(Y/n): *sneezes*

Ruby: you okay?

(Y/n): yeah I'm fine but

Yang: but what?

Blake: I think someone called you edgy right?

(Y/n): yep

Weiss: -_- I'm pretty sure you are over reacting

(Y/n): I guess your right

-back with our (Y/n)-

(Y/n): man I was hoping that no one else gets it

[ Is there any other semblance you want ]

(Y/n): no it's fine I will be fine with out a semblance because I can't come up with one

[ Very well then next is quite simple since you will be in remnant you have to change your looks ]

(Y/n): oh hell yeah this is going to take a while

-10 minutes later-

(Y/n): and done *whistle* looking good

(Y/n): now time for me to accept the changes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Y/n): now time for me to accept the changes

[ Checking.......... Changes accepted it might Sting a bit ]

As the system said that I feel slightly sting and ticklish from the changes when it was finished I looked at my mirror and see the new look of me.

(Y/n): nice

[ Now we are moving on the weapons you get two weapons chose wisely ]

{ I totally forget about that sorry but hey you will get two more weapons right }

(Y/n): shit for real well I guess I will have a LMG that is fused with the scythe and a dagger please

[ Checking............ Weaponry approve ]

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