Part 6

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Everyone seemed to yell or scream in some sort of way, (some were cursing as well), as Star crashed into the trees and the front airbags went off, knocking Star unconscious.

Everyone climbed out of the crashed and broken van and were immediately greeted by a few monstrous creatures that screeched very loudly which broke the car windows. I wouldn't advise  inviting them to a Tea Party. 

Hog panicked and went over and away from the fight, to help Star, who was covered in glass now. 

"Guys!" They said frantically, and then about seven of them appeared from the original Hog, "Help me get Star to safety, and a few of you go help fight!" 

Four of them ran off, climbing over the car and into the fight, and the rest of them helped lever the broken car door open and grab Star out of the seat carefully. 

They brushed the broken glass off of her and then two of them, the original Hog and Rachel, (one of the clones) ran into the forest, yelling: 

"Go help fight! I'm gonna help Star get to safety!" 

Gash stumbled over a broken off car door, and then tried not to stab themself on their own sword, which they still weren't that good at. 

'Might as well try the thing,' Gash told themself in their head with slight hesitation.

They tried to concentrate, remembering Becky's words, "Just focus. Your Spirit animal will appear on your skin, and you can use them whenever you're in trouble."

Their town wasn't exactly the safest town ever, so anything was a good weapon their. Gash's weapon had been their store that they helped to run. The place was pretty much impenetrable. 

But Gash was shaken into reality as Rad was thrown into the ground right next to Gash. 

"What is this nap time or something?!" Rad shouted at Gash with wide eyes, and then scrambled back to his feet to fight with a ugly screaming creature. 

Gash scrambled back to their feet right as a creature, with Bar on it's back screaming, "I WAS WOKEN UP FROM MY NAP BECAUSE OF YOU SONS OF A GRONKE!" Then Bar proceeded to stab the creature repeatedly in the back with her giant spear, which, in return, causing the creature to fall right in from of Gash, and die. 

"Well someone's cranky," Gash remarked with a small smile at her, getting up, and then their eyes widened as a throwing knife came straight towards their face. 

Moon whipped around to see where the throwing knife that had been thrown towards her, and missed, had gone, and quickly yelled a reverse spell onto the knife before it could detach Gash's face from their head. 

"Thanks Moon!" Gash yelled as they went somewhere Moon couldn't see anymore. 

Moon focused in on the fight that she and Dune were having with the creature. 

Dune had made the area around the creature hot, so now the creature was shrieking a lot, because it's skin was turning bright red, and seemed to be cooking the creature alive as they fought. It sliced it's large claws towards Moon and she jumped back and sliced with her sword, which wasn't glowing with purple fire at that moment. 

After a few turns of slicing, Dune surprised Moon and charged with their dagger and stabbed the creature in the stomach. 

It fell to the ground, dead, and Moon looked around to see that the last of the creatures were dead, and some of the others were staring into space. 

'Most of them hadn't ever fought before,' Moon thought to herself, 'I wonder what they think about it...'

"Anyone know where Star went?" Al asked, looking around sternly. 

"And Hog?" Boom added anxiously, "Oh wait, you're right there." 

"Oh," One of Hog's clones said, "I'm not Hog. I'm one of their clones." 

"Hog and Star went into the forest to keep Star safe during the fight," Another clone added. 

"Which way did they go?" Athen asked, sheathing his dagger, and looking back and forth between the four clones. 

The clones glanced at each other, and three of them disappeared, leaving one there, who was shrugging. 

"We, er, didn't see," The clone said awkwardly, "We ran into the fight to help and didn't really, uh, think about that... Sorry." 

There were a series of groans and Moon held up her hands to get everyone's attention, "Guys, it's fine. All we have to do is search the forest some to find them. Hog couldn't have gotten far with Star since she was unconscious." 

Moon saw Boom and Rad glance at the wreck of the car, and started to realize that the ringing in her ears were that of a siren. She remembered that on the ride Rad had explained to her and a few of the others that sirens came from Police or Firemen or Ambulances. (She didn't understand why they were called Firemen, though. If they put out fires with water, shouldn't they be called Watermen?) 

"We should probably hurry up," Al noted, "I don't want to be the one to explain to the authorities why we have so many weapons and crashed the car when our driver is no where to be found." 


Hog grunted as they stopped walking for a moment and said, "Alright, we should probably stop here." 

Their clones agreed and they set Star down against a tree, and they all sat down next to her, except for the original Hog whose adrenaline was pumping from seeing those creatures. 

"Mind if we go?" One of her clones asked, sighing. 

Hog nodded and watched them each disappear and leaving Star and Hog alone. In a forest. Lost, and without any of the others. 

"Ugh, this was a horrible idea!" Hog groaned, "We didn't even think about leaving some sort of trail for them to follow to find us." 

Hog looked around helplessly, but was interrupted as Star leapt to her feet, her eyes wide as she yelled, "WHAT THE HECK DID I MISS?!" 

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