Chapter 10.3 ✔︎

Start from the beginning

The rapper could feel several pairs of eyes on him as he made his way behind the six others, but instead of looking up and making eye contact with any of them, he kept his gaze fixed on the reflection of his own shoes in the floor to ceiling mirrors and waited for the next song on the list to play.

Luckily for Yoongi, the beginning instrumental began a second later, which forced the rest of the members to tear their attention away from him so they could get into the start formation. His eyes caught Hoseok's for a short moment when he let his gaze shift to the younger male in front of him, but he was quick to avert them once again and put his focus back onto getting his legs into position.

For a split-second, Yoongi was sure that he was going to end up on the floor when his right knee bent too much and he was sent falling, but then there were hands on his arms, and he was being pulled back up. The rapper raised his head, ready to open his mouth and say 'thanks' to whomever the person who'd helped him was, but then the first shift of the song happened, and his body started moving on its own, following the choreography that had slowly been programmed into his muscles over the course of the last several weeks.

He felt his arms move sluggishly, performing a move that should have been fluid but ended up looking shaky and too choppy to fit in with the other members' graceful movements, and then he was turning away from the rest of the group on legs that felt strangely disconnected from the rest of him.

The room still felt like it was spinning around him after he finished his turn, but there was nothing he could do about it. If he were to stop moving, the others would stare at him and he would disrupt the practice.

The rapper was too distracted by his own thought to notice that he wasn't slowing himself down like he was supposed to do, so instead of landing on the floor in a cushioned fall, the second eldest ended up dropping harshly onto his right knee. Even though the pain in the joint was on the edge of being worse than the throbbing in his head, the producer felt compelled to continue on.

He wasn't able to lift himself off of the ground like the choreography called for when he had to shift onto his other knee, and his arm movements looked sloppy in the few instances he managed to make himself gaze up into the mirror, but no one had said anything or puffed to him even though he'd caught a few of the other members gazes when he'd looked up.

He kept his eyes on Taehyung's knee when the younger reached out towards him with his left hand so he could grab on for the next part of the choreography, and he didn't raise them even when the other's cold hand slipped into his own significantly warmer one and cooled his palm to a temperature where it didn't feel like his skin was about to melt of.

Next thing he knew, the second youngest had pulled him around so both of them were turned to the left, and then the palm against his disappeared and he was watching the singer run towards Hoseok – who had already made his way to the side of the room and was leaning against the wall.

The only reason he in the following moment managed to quickly make his way behind Jungkook – who was the only other person left standing in the middle of the room – was his legs, as the two limbs had pretty much started working on autopilot at this point.

When Jungkook started moving again, arms and legs moving in smooth yet strong motions as he made his way to the left, he brought his own arms up and let his mouth move to from the words he was rapping on the track. Everything went okay for the first second, but then he seemed to hit a wall. Trying to remember how each different syllable was supposed to be formed as well as every single choreographed move he had to make, was too hard, so he was forced to stop mouthing the lyrics.

He and Seokjin made eye contact when he turned to the right and slowly made his way across the floor, but both of them were quick to look away again, with the eldest redirecting his gaze towards Namjoon, who was standing right beside him, and with he himself casting his eyes to the floor and turning his body towards the mirrors.

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