28 :: the part & the whole

Start from the beginning

"And I also heard Taehyung filed a moving request. You two live together willingly. I also heard you two are very friendly in campus," His dad raised an eyebrow at him, and god, Jeongguk wished they weren't talking about this right now.

"Think I heard something about dating rumors?"

"Dad," He murmured, voice slightly whiny, teetering on the edge of strained. "Can we please just talk about volleyball?" His dad merely chuckled.

"Jeongguk, I'm messing with you. It just makes me happy you found someone to spend time with," He let out a hearty laugh much to the embarrassment of his own son. "Taehyung's a really good person."

"He is," Jeongguk agreed, still refusing to meet his dad's stare unless he wanted to disintegrate into a puddle right then and there. "He really is."

He softened at the mere idea of him, and he found it humoring how easy it was to picture his face in his mind. It made sense, for he memorized every inch of Taehyung's body and his features so he could picture him any time he want if he missed him.

There was just something about seeing the little box of happiness on his lips that brightened up any room and erased every single one of his stresses. It was the way his mere presence made everything feel okay.

In the end, things would be okay, and one look at Taehyung reminded him that after everything, things will resolve. Things would make sense.

Taehyung thought it was dumb at first when he told him so while the two were tangled in the bed sheets back in Jeongguk's room. He was butt-naked, on his stomach, while Jeongguk leaned on his side, tracing his finger down the dimples on his back mindlessly.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Taehyung asked, curiousity flashing in his narrowed eyes while he twirled a strand of Jeongguk's hair around his index.

"M'just trying to remember you," Jeongguk said, smiling lazily up at the older. "Can I not keep you as a memory in my mind?"

"Gguk, that's dumb. I'm right here. I'll never be a memory you look back on," Taehyung snorted, swatting his shoulder. "We'll be making memories together, not apart."

"That's sappy," He chuckled, a soft smile blossoming over his lips. "But I wanna keep you in my head just in case."

"Why? Are you breaking up with me already?" The older teased, resting his hand over Jeongguk's chest.

"Never," Jeongguk leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips, feeling his smile against his own. "I just wanna treasure you, bun. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"I also heard you took him home. Are you two really that serious?" His dad's words snapped him out of his thoughts, and it took him a moment to realize his father was speaking to him this entire time.

Jeongguk blinked, "Um, yeah. We're serious about it." His dad's eyes widened, what seemed like a mix of genuine happiness and shock filtering through his aged features.

"That's amazing. I'm happy if you're happy son. You chose well," Mr. Jeon smiled brightly, shutting his file closed. "In that case, to make you happier, I want to let you know that I sent your applications out a bit back."

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