Chapter 46

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We walked downstairs to Dean,
Sam said" Hey, uh, how you doing?"
Dean said" Five shells, that's how I'm doing."
" Well, you know, it's a hell of a lot more than we had last week."
" Maybe."
Bobby said" Meaning?"
" Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago and uh...
well, here, look." He put some ash on him, and it didn't burn,
" Huh."
" This stuff is supposed to... burn the bejesus out of Eve. Doesn't even give me a sunburn."
" The lore says it works."
" That's always reliable."
Sam said" Well, you know what? Maybe it's like iron or silver, you know? Hurts them, not us?"
" Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us till we find the Bitch."
Bobby said" I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call."
" Why's it always gotta be me that makes the call, huh? It's not like Cas lives in my ass." Cas appeared behind Dean," The dude's busy." He turned quick," Cas, get out of my ass."
Cas said" I was never in your- Have you made any progress in locating Eve?"
Bobby said" We were gonna ask you about that."
" No, I've looked, but she's hidden from me. She's hidden from all angels."
Dean said" Awesome."
Sam said" You know, what we really need is an inside man."
" What do you mean?"
" Something with claws and sympathy."
" Like a friendly monster? Those are in short supply these days, don't you think?"
" Sure, but we've met one or two, right?"
" Maybe."
" So maybe we can find one."
I said" Or I can tap into my monstrous side, easy."
Dean said" You broke into your demonic side and you were down for days."
" And back to square one."
They found Lenore, and no we're going to Grand Pass, Oregon. We packed up what we needed, then Cas teleported us there. We looked around, it wasn't weird or terrifying, it was Normal.
Dean said" Well,  I was expecting more ZombieLand, less Pleasantville."
Bobby said" Just because it looks quiet don't mean it is. Especially if she's got a clue we're coming."
" Yeah, well, if she is here, I'm glad we got Smitey McSmiterton on our squad. All right, where do we start?"
" I'm gonna need a computer."

We were at a diner,
Bobby said" All right. I finally got into police database. No thanks to this. I asked for a computer."
Sam and I said" It is a computer."
" No, a computer has buttons." The waitress came by, we stopped talking and Dean replied to her.
" Anything?"
" Oh. Nickel and dime stuff, nothing weird. Basically, dead end. You think vampira was lying?"
Cas said" I'll search the town. Give me a moment." But then we could still see him,
Dean said" Cas, we can still see you."
" Yeah, I'm still here."
" Okay, well. You don't have to wait on us. You- well, now it just looks like you're pooping."
" Something's wrong."
" What, are you stuck?"
" I'm blocked. I'm powerless."
" You're joking. Something in this town is, uh... it's affecting me. I assume it's Eve."
" So wait. Mom's making you limp?"
" Figuratively, yes."
" How?"
" I don't know, but she is."
" Well, that's great, because without your power, you're just a baby un a trench coat." Cas looked out window,
Sam whispered" I think you hurt his feelings."
Bobby said" I got something here, maybe. Had to go federal to get it. Call went out from the local office to the CDC last night."
" About what?"
" A Dr. Silver called in an illness he couldn't identify. Patient's a 25 year old African American named Ed Bright."
Dean said" Well, that's not much to go on."
" Well, it's our only lead, so-"
" So Beggars can't be choosers. All right, well, let's finish up." My eyes flashed, something was off, and Eve was at the center of it.
We split, the longer we're here the worse I feel, I was hunched over in the backseat of a rental. My head covered by my arms, my eyes squeezed shut, don't give in. Don't give in. Don't give in.

We met with Dean and Cas, we got out of the car,
Dean said" So we got a missing doctor and an oozy patient, huh?"
Sam said" Yeah, plot thickens."
" Well, let's go see what Ed's roommates have to say."
Cas said" Does Ed Bright have a brother?"
Bobby said" No, why?"
" Then that's not his twin." We looked at the house and saw the guy,
Sam said" So, what, shifter?"
Bobby said" I don't know what we're looking at."
" Dean and me are gonna in. Stay, watch the door. Something comes out, shoot it."
Dean said" Best guess, silver bullets."
Cas said" I'm fairly unpracticed with firearms."
" You know who whines? Babies." They walked in, my whole body felt like it was shaking, I pushed it back, because if my brothers see, they'll make me water-port back to Bobby's.

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