Chapter 14

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Sam was driving,
Sam said" Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne. She's been tracking some leads." Dean hummed," Look, I know she's not exactly on your Christmas list, but if she can help us get to Lilith-"
Dean said" Man, work with Ruby, don't. I don't really give a rat's ass."
" What's your problem?"
" Pamela didn't want anything to do with this, and we dragged her back into it, Sam."
" She knew what was at stake."
" Oh, yeah, saving the world. And we're doing such a damn good job of it."
" Dean-"
" I'm tired of burying friends, Sam."
" Look, if we catch a fresh trail-"
" We follow it. I know. Like I said, I'm just- I'm just getting tired."
" Well, get angry."

We walked into a motel room,
Dean said" Home, crappy home." Sam turned on the light, we saw Uriel and Castiel.
Uriel said" Winchester and Winchester." My eyes glowed, fangs growing,
" Oh, come on!"
" You are needed."
" Needed? We just got back from needed!"
" Now, you mind your tone with me."
" No, you mind your damn tone with us."
Sam said" We just got back from Pamela's funeral."
" Pamela- you know, psychic Pamela? You remember her. Cas, you remember her. You burned her eyes out. Remember that? Good times! Yeah, then she died saving one of your precious seals. So, maybe you can stop pushing us around like chess pieces for five freakin' minutes!"
" We raised you out of hell for our purposes."
" Yeah, and what were those again? What exactly do you want from me?"
" Start with gratitude."
Cas said" Dean, we know this is difficult to understand."
" And we... don't... care. Now, seven angels have been murdered- all of them from our garrison. The last one was killed tonight."
Dean said" Demons? How they doing it?"
" We don't know."
Sam said" I'm sorry, but what do you want us to do about it? I mean, a demon with the juice to ice angels has to be out of our league, right?"
" We can handle the demons, thank you very much."
Cas said" Once we find whoever it is."
Dean said" So, you need our help... hunting a demon?"
" Not quite. We have Alastair."
" Great. He should be able to name your triggerman."
" But he won't talk. Alastair's will is very strong. We've arrived at an impasse."
" Yeah, well, he's like a black belt in torture. I mean, you guys are out of your league."
Uriel said" That's why we've come to his student. You happen to be the most qualified interrogator we've got."
Cas said" Dean... you're our best hope."
Dean said" No. No way. You can't ask me to do this, Cas- not this." Uriel walked closed,
He said" Who said anything... about asking?" Then they were gone, including Dean,
Sam said" Damn it!" I hit the wall, looking at Sam, I bit my lip, what the hell are we gonna do?
Ruby walked in,
She said" I can still smell them. Seriously, Sam, I'm not exactly dying to tangle with angels again."
Sam said" I need you to find out where they took Dean."
" Not sure I see the problem. You know, they have Alastair strung up six ways from Sunday. Dean cuts himself a slice, Al's reduced to a quivering heap, and the good guys get the goods. What's wrong with that?"
" He can't do it."
" Look, I get it. You don't want him going all torture master again."
" No, I mean, he can't do it. He can't get the job done. Something happened to him downstairs, Ruby. He's not what he used to be. He's not strong enough."
" And you are?"
" I will be." The buzzing was getting too loud, it'd been too long since I fought back the creeper. I grabbed my head, my eyes glowing,
I said" I'll be in the water, pull me out when you find Dean, if I don't wake up, bury me." Sam hit the back of my head," I'm telling the truth." I walked to the bathroom, closing the door, I turned on the water, I pulled off my shirt and pants. I got under the water, closing my eyes,

I opened my eyes, the creeper against me in seconds,
He said" Angels took Dean, what? Can't find him?" I hissed at him," Oh, if you'd give in, you'd be able to do so many things. You have no idea what you can do."
I said" Not giving in."
" So be it." He lifted me up, throwing me into the deep, I sank a little then swam up, jumping out, I hissed and screeched. He flew back, but screeched, I flew into the water, he grabbed my shoulders and held me down. I choked on the water, he pulled me out, I started coughing up water. He slammed me onto the ground, I screamed in pain, my body relaxing. He lifted me up again, throwing me back into the water, he started drowning me again.
He let me up after a few minutes, I panted heavily,
I said" Nope!"
He screamed" Give in! You'll be able to protect your brothers! That's all you ever wanted to do!"
" But you'd take control of me!"
" Eh, maybe, maybe not... if you're strong enough to control me!"
" You know I'm not strong enough!"
" Yes, very. But give in and you'll get strength!"
" Liar!"
" Mm, maybe! But you'll never know!"
" Liar!" I screeched, he grabbed my neck, slamming me against the ground. The water splashed around me, he screeched, I screamed in pain, yelping. He grabbed my hand and twisted it, I screamed, he started punching me. I closed my eyes as tight as I could...

I woke up, in the back of the car, I breathed heavily,
Sam said" We're here, let's go." I got out with him, we walked into an industrial building.
Sam pinned Alastair to the wall,
Alastair said" Stupid pet tricks."
Sam said" Who's murdering the angels? How are they doing it?"
" You think I'm gonna tell you?"
" Yeah, I do." He twisted his hand, Alastair's eyes went demon white, I looked at Sam," How are the demons killing angels?!"
" I... don't... know!"
" Right."
" It's... not... us! We're... not doing it!"
" I don't believe you."
" Lilith... is not behind this. She wouldn't kill seven angels. She'd kill a hundred... a thousand." Sam let go of him," Oh, go ahead. Send me back... if you can."
" I'm stronger than that now. Now I can kill." Sam killed Alastair with his damn mind, what the hell is Ruby giving him?!
We were watching Dean lay in the hospital bed, then we saw Cas, he walked away. We followed him out into the hall,
Cas said" Sam-"
Sam said" Get in there and heal him. Miracle- now."
" I can't."
" You and Uriel put him in there!"
" No."
" Because you can't keep a simple devil's trap together."
" I don't know what happened. That trap- it shouldn't have broken. I am sorry."
" This whole thing was pointless. You understand that? The demons aren't doing the hits. Something else is killing your soldiers."
" Perhaps Alastair was lying."
" No, he wasn't." We walked back to Dean, I looked at him, closing my eyes, falling asleep.

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