~Chapter Six~

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~{ After School }~

      After school, Betty and Jughead rode home to find JB watching TV, and eating a snack, as usual.

      "Hey JB. How was your day?" Betty asked as she went to go sit with her. "It was boring. Except for the fact, that I saw a video of my brother, asking my babysitter to be his girlfriend. That was interesting." JB replied sarcastically. Betty couldn't tell if she was mad.

      "Jellybean, are you mad? Do you not want us to date?" Jughead asked her, worried about what she was going to answer. JB sighed and spoke. "I'm not mad that you are dating. I'm mad that you didn't tell me. I had to find out through a video my friend showed me."

      "JB, we were going to tell you, but it got recorded by my friend Kevin, and sent out before we had the chance to. Please forgive us." Betty said with pleading eyes. JB smiled "Okay, I forgive you. But no sex when I'm in the house please." She said as she stared to laugh which resulted in Jughead playfully hitting her with a pillow.

      JB went upstairs to do some homework which left Betty and Jughead all alone in the living room. "So. What do you want to watch?" Asked Betty as she scrolled through Netflix. "How about... Grease?" He said which made Betty chuckle. "What?" he asked.

      "It's just that, Grease kind of reminds me of us. You know? Leather loving bad boy, falls in love with pink loving good girl." Betty said as she chuckled once again. "Yeah, I guess." Jughead said as he clicked on the movie.

      During the movie, the two managed to fall asleep in each others arms. And when JB came down after finishing her homework, she decided to prank them. She went into the kitchen and got a big bucket, and filled it with freezing cold water.

      She went back into the living room with the bucket in her hands. Before she dumped it on them, she tried waking them up nicely. But they wouldn't wake up so she dumped the bucket of freezing cold water on them, making them shoot up.

      "WHAT THE HELL?!?" Jughead yelled as he jumped. "JB!" Betty said, very frustrated and cold. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!?" Jughead continued yelling. JB just kept laughing. "You guys fell asleep so I woke you up." She said like it was no big deal, but still laughing. "Whatever! I'm going to go get changed!" Jughead yelled once again as he went upstairs.

      "It was funny to see Jugs reaction, but it was not funny to be one of the victims." Betty said to JB with a small chuckle as she pulled out her phone because she got a message. When she saw who it was from and what it said, she rolled her eyes and put it away.

      "Who was that?" JB asked Betty, who was still soaking wet and very cold. "Just someone asking about Jughead and I." Betty told her. JB shrugged her shoulders and picked something else on Netflix since Grease was over.

      "What are you putting on?" Betty asked her. "I'm putting on Gilmore Girls. It's one of my favorite shows." JB replied which made Betty smile. It's also one of her favorites.

      When Jughead came back down, he saw his sister and girlfriend very focused on the TV. When he saw what was on, he rolled his eyes. JB made him watch Gilmore Girls with her multiple times. Now he knows that Betty likes it. He will have to watch it twice as much.

      Jughead sat down with the girls on the couch and started talking. "So Betts, you like Gilmore Girls?" He asked her. "SHHHHHH!!" Both Betty and JB replied which made him laugh.

      After they watched a few episodes, JB decided to change the show to Pretty Little Liars Betty has never seen it so she was excited to watch it. Jughead decided to go make the girls some popcorn because, why not?

      He gave the girls a big bowl of popcorn to share while he ate some chips. A little while later, FP came home to see the girls very focused on the TV and Jughead focused on his chips. FP let out a chuckle which made all heads turn to him. "Hey guys." he said then joined them in the living room.

      JB decided to change the show to a movie that everyone would enjoy, so she turned on Disney+ and put on Avengers Endgame which started a heated discussion about who was the best character.

      Betty says Black Widow, Jughead says Iron Man, JB says Spider Man, not because of Spider man, but because she has a crush on Tom Holland, and FP thinks the best hero is Captain America.

      After the movie, it was already time for JB to go to bed. Betty started to clean up wrappers (and some tissues, it was a sad movie) when FP asked to talk to her and Jughead.

      "So, I hear rumors that you two..." FP says as he points to both Jughead and Betty. "Are dating."  He continues with a smile on his face. Both Betty and Jughead stop moving. "Oh come on guys. I'm not mad. I'm happy for you." FP says, still smiling. Betty and Jughead are silent but they start moving again. "Well, if you guys are... you know, I hope you are being safe." After FP says that, Jughead speaks as Betty turns as red as a tomato.

      "Oh come on dad! Seriously? We are not having sex. And if we were, we would be safe. I dont think we are ready for a kid." Jughead says kind of embarrassed to talk about that with his dad, while his girlfriend was there.

      "Okay. Well, just in case... here." FP says as he tosses a box of something to Jughead. Betty sees what it is and her eyes go wide as she turns even more red. "OH MY GOD! DAD!" Jughead exclaims. "Good night guys." FP waves as he goes upstairs to bed quietly laughing.

      "Oh my god." Jughead says with a sigh. "Juggie. I have a question." Betty says as her face slowly turns back it its natural colour. Jughead looks at her, indicating he is paying attention. "Are you a virgin?" She asks him, and now its his turn to turn in to a tomato.

      ".....Are you?" Jughead asks Betty, while avoiding her question. "No... remember? I told you what my father did to me." She answers with a sigh. There is a short silence before Jughead tells Betty the answer to her question.....

(A/N this was really just a filler chapter but I hope you liked it! Sorry for the cliffhanger! please no hate, I'll try to post the next chapter either tomorrow or the next day.)

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