Just another Day

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*Y/n's POV*

It was the middle of November, the dead of winter. It was just another day of work for Y/n. She starts her mornings as a prep cook at a restaurant called Lunar Oasis and her evenings and nights as a pizza delivery person at a pizza place called Milo's Pizza. When she starts her day at Lunar Oasis, it's her job to make sure that the food is prepared for the day in the portions needed for the coming lunch and dinner rushes.

But on this day, a chain of events will be set into motion that will change Y/n's life forever.

It was eight-thirty in the morning. The manager steps into the kitchen to see how things are going for Y/n. "So what's prepped for the day, Y/n?" The manager asks.

"Only a few things need to be made, Edwin. As for the lunch the vegetables will be done slow roasting. As for the brisket, it should be done by tomorrow morning. The rest of the vegetables are cut and ready. Ribs should be done by the day after tomorrow morning. The oysters are shocked and ready for oyster soup if anyone orders any. As for the green tea icecream, it should be ready by tonight. And the raspberry sorbet will be ready by tonight for desert," said Y/n.

Edwin hands Y/n a list. "These are the food we need orders for tomorrow. We have a group of business members meeting for lunch tomorrow. We'll need you in early tomorrow morning to have it prepped and reader," said Edwin.

"That's going to be a bit of a problem. Milo's Pizza will have me working late."

"I thought you'd quit that place already considering that place works you to the bone."

"I plan on quitting here soon anyways."

"When you put your two weeks notice in, let me know. I know you want to become one of the chefs here."

"Will do, Edwin." Y/n cleans up her area so that way the kitchen staff won't have to worry about cleaning her work area. Once she was done she heads out. She heads outside and pulls out her phone to check her scheduel for Milo's Pizza. She heads to her car but doesn't pay attention where she is going and ends up bumping into someone.  Y/n ends up dropping her phone. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was...." She looks up to see who she had ended up bumping into. He was tall with with long silver hair tied back into a ponytail, deep midnight blue eyes, and he was wearing a suit that looked a bit expensive. "Done for the day my dear."

Y/n quickly picks up her phone. "I...uh...Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." She hurries to her car. The gentlemen watches her leave. A smirk appears kn his face. "Interesting," he said to himself before walking into Lunar Oasis.

Y/n hurries home as fast as she can, without speeding of course. Normally she would try to steer clear from bumping into people but bumping into that man caught her off guard, mainly because of how he looked. "Keep your head in the game, Y/n." It doesn't take long for Y/n to pull up in the parking lot of her apartment building. At some point she was planning on moving or either having a roommate move in with her since rent was kinda hard to keep up on. All utilities were covered, except for lights. She had to pay rent per month on a garage, which wasn't too badly priced. But rent was almost over eight hundred dollars, so event with two jobs, she could almost barely afford it. She had help on occasion from her neighbor, but Y/n felt guilty from accepting her help. Y/n's neighbor, an older lady in her late forties by the name of May O'Leary, would help Y/n on occasion. Y/n shuts her car off and gets out.

"Hopefully working at Milo's Pizza won't be too bad tonight." Y/n locks the car doors and heads inside the apartment building. As she heads upstairs, she almost bumps into Mrs. O'Leary. "Hello Mrs. Oleary. How was your day?"

Mrs. O'Leary, who was in her late forties, has lived in the apartment building before Y/n moved in. She didn't talk much about her past but all Y/n knew about her, besides she was a widow, was that she was Italian-American. "Today has been good, sweetie," said Mrs. O'Leary.

"That's good. By the way there's going to be an event tomorrow at Lunar Oasis. Got a group of business men. I'll be leaving early in the morning."

"You are always busy with work. You should stop and rest. Have you quit Milo's Pizza yet?"

"I plan on putting my two weeks in soon."

"I think you should do it sooner. That job may end up killing you." Mrs. O'Leary looks Y/n over. "You look hungry, sweetie. How about you come over for a bite to eat. I'll fix you something good."

"Thank you, ma'am. I'll be over in a bit." Y/n heads upstairs to her apartment and unlocks the door. She heads inside and sets her keys down on the kitchen counter. "I should get some rest before tonight. I don't want to be too tired." She looks outside the window and sees it was beginning to snow. "Maybe there's a chance I can leave early tonight." After changing into some more comfortable clothes, Y/n heads to Mrs. O'Leary's apartment. She knocks on the door.

After a few minutes, Mrs. O'Leary answers the door. "Glad you are, sweetie. Come in, come in and make yourself comfortable."

Y/n steps into the apartment and hears Mrs. O'Leary quickly close the door. "What was that about?"

"You had a ghost following you. A rather mean looking one too. What did you do to warrant such a spirit to follow you?"

Y/n shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing as far as I know."

"Then stay here until you have to go to work at Milo's. I'll make sure the ghost doesn't bother you. Now go sit down. I'll get you something to drink."

Y/n goes and sits down on the couch in the living room. She was kinda worried. Mrs. O'Leary had told her once she could sense spirits and sometimes see them as well. But when she said that one was following her, Y/n couldn't help but worry.

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