"Ooh, Ash-- check out those guys," Ruby said, pointing to a group of guys standing by the bar.

"Oh, honey, I'm still with Sean."

"You're not married, and he's not here."

"He's working."

"He's always working. Have fun moping." She went over to talk to the guys, leaving Ashley and Mary Margaret alone.

"She's right -- he is always working. I thought love would be different."

Mary Margaret nodded. "Me too."

David looked through the display of valentines at Mr. Clark's convenience store. He picked two and headed to the line to pay, where Mr. Gold was waiting.

"Two valentines -- sounds like a complicated life," Mr. Gold commented.

"Oh, no," David replied. "I... I just couldn't decide."

"These are both for the same woman?"

"Well, they're both so... us."

"I see. Well, you're fortunate you have someone that loves you."

"I really am."

Mr. Gold got to the counter and put a roll of duct tape and rope on the counter. "Love -- it's like a delicate flame. And once it's gone, it's gone forever. Best of luck to you."


David got to the cashier and Mr. Clark sneezed.

"Oh, bless you," David said.

"Ah, thank you," Mr. Clark replied.

Mr. Gold drove the rose van. Mr. French was tied up in the back and gagged with duct tape.

He reached a cabin in the woods and got out and opened the back doors of the van. He drew his gun and pointed it at Mr. French. "Walk."

Mr.Gold led him to the cabin and they went inside before Mr. Gold said, "You see, here's the thing -- I don't normally let people get away."

He pulled the duct tape off Mr. French's mouth and had him sit in a chair.

"Let me explain, okay?" Mr. French begged. "Let me explain.

Mr. Gold grabbed another chair and sat in front of Mr. French. He pushed the end of his cane into Mr. French's neck, cutting off his air. "Oh. Well, that is... fascinating. Truly fascinating. I'm going to let you breathe in a second and you're going to say two sentences. The first, is going to tell me where it is. The second, is going to tell me who told you to take it. Do you understand the rules?" Mr. French nodded. "Good. Let's begin." He pulled the cane back from Mr. French's neck.

"I needed that van!"

"Now, you see, that is not a good first sentence." Mr. Gold hit Mr. French with his cane.

"Ow! Gold! Listen!"

"Tell me where it is!!" He hit Mr. French with his cane again.

"Ow! Stop!"

"Tell me where it is!" He hit Mr. French again.

"Ow! Stop! It wasn't my fault!"

"My fault"? What are you talking about, "my fault"? You shut her out. You had her love, and you shut her out!" He hit Mr. French again.


"She's gone. She's gone forever -- she's not coming back. And it's your fault! Not mine! You are her father! Yours! It's yours!" He hit Mr. French repeatedly with his cane. "It's your fault! It's your fault!"

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