chapter 9

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the next morning we were woken up bright and early so we would have time to get our morning stretch in before our first game.

" alright girls, we are done here, make your way to the cafeteria, make sure to eat something light! we have a game in 30 minutes" michimiya addresses the girls volleyball team before also making her way to the cafeteria.

Me and y/f/n decided to run ahead of the rest of the girls so we could get in line before them, while racing toward the door we hear someone yell.

" hey! y/n, y/f/n! why are you guys running? i want to join, can i join? im going to join" hinata says with the biggest smile, soon he catches up to us.

" good morning hinata, how was your sleep?" i say

" it was okay, even though nishinoya kept telling scary stories while tanaka hid in the darkness waiting to jumpscare us all. it was a very eventful night. how was yours?" hinata says while opening the door for me and y/f/n.

thoughts of the night before came to my mind. " It was a great i think we all came closer and got to know each other more last night, and by the sounds of it, you guys did some bonding too." i say while laughing.

Sugawara taps my shoulder. " y/n, I hope you had a great sleep, youre going to need it for the day. I seen you guys have four games to play.  Would you and y/f/n  care to join us at our table? our table concludes me, daichi, michimiya, and asahi"

" y/n! say yes i want to meet asahi!" y/f/n whispers in your ear.

" yes i'm well rested i hope you're well rested too, and sure we'll join you guys, where are you guys sitting?" i say while trying to find the familiar faces. the cafeteria must've had 7 teams in it, not including karasuno, so it was a challenge to find them. Sugawara put his hand up into the air, then daichi and michimiya stood up waving.

" you know where to find us" sugawara says with a soft smile before walking off into the deep sea of tables. I nod, continuing to grab my food I head over to the station that had all the drinks.

Soon we find ourselves at the table we were invited to. Daichi moves from his spot beside sugawara to sit closer to Michimiya.
" Y/n, there's a open spot right here if you'd like it" sugawara points to the open chair beside him.
I smile while placing my food down and getting comfortable in the spot beside him. It was quite at first, everyone was focusing on finishing their food.
" So, how are you all feeling about the day ahead of you?" michimiya asks while looking at all of us.

" i'm a little nervous but the excitement to finally get on court to play against actual teams other than the boys is overriding the nervousness" i say with a slight chuckle.

soon everyone finishes their food and michimiya stands up to call our teammates in the cafeteria.
" karasuno girls report to gym #2 court B as soon as possible!"

I begin to pack up my leftovers having a feeling of uneasiness in my stomach thinking of the events to occur. Getting lost in my thoughts while waiting to give my tray back to the kitchen I feel two hands on both of my shoulders.

" Relax and work your magic out there y/n. I believe in you." it was Sugawara, right before he lifts his hands from my shoulders he gives me a reassuring light squeeze.
Before i'm able to turn to face him, he was already gone in the crowd of the cafeteria. I smile and begin to feel less worried.

Finally reaching the court. Michimiya is pairing us up in twos so we can warm up our arms. I was paired with y/f/n.
Soon the referee comes to the court, he blows his whistle to call the captains of each team to determine who receives and who serves first.
After the coin flip, michimiya comes back and says she lost with a silly face.
" Sorry coach, bad luck with those coin tosses. Don't worry, we got good receivers we'll get it back after first serve, oh and we get first 5 minutes so yay us"

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