chapter 8

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" we met during the summer, at the beach during my family's vacation. It was quite weird how we met honestly"

There's this resort in the prefecture that me and my family come to during summer break because my parents have work here. My parents are both chefs, they own the main restaurant at the resort. We were running short on waiters, so we put up 'help needed' signs all over the resort and surrounding areas

Soon a few resumes came through, my parents picked the top four they would like to interview, one of the four was Oikawa. Of course he got the job right away, my mother decided it was best he got trained by me since I know all there is to know about the restaurant. At first, it was a great idea but we all know "the bad" that comes when you combine love with work.

Oikawa and I became super close very fast,  too close for coworkers.  We began spending time together after work until each night ended. One evening while the sun was setting Oikawa took me for a walk on the beach. After walking in a peaceful silence he grabbed both of my hands so we were facing each other. With a light tint of pink in his face, he grabbed a better hold of my hands before he began to speak.

" y/n, I know we just met recently but I feel like I've known you for so long already. You understand me so well and I have never felt like this about someone in so long. When I'm with you I feel safe and welcomed. You're so different than any other girl I known, and that intrigues me. I've never been more happy to meet someone like you, basically what I'm trying to say is, I like you y/n and I wanted to know if you wanted to be more then friends. Would you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked, was I about to get my first REAL boyfriend? My face begins to go red, I open my mouth to respond before he changes his mind. The sound of my voice was interrupted by Oikawa's sudden movement. Oikawa lets go of one of my hands to reach into his pocket. He pulls out a little box, he looks up from the box back into my eyes before opening it. Inside the box was a necklace, the necklace was beautiful. It was a small butterfly that had tons of small gems of different colours, it was a rainbow butterfly. In the back it had my initials engraved. No one has ever gotten me such a thing, with no hesitation I hug Oikawa.

" Yes, I will be your girlfriend, you don't know how much this means to me"

Those words excited Oikawa, this lead to be getting picked up by him. He spun me in a circle before setting me back down on the ground. Oikawa smiled, he gently grabbed my face and pulled it towards his, he kissed me. It all felt unreal, I was happier than I've ever been before and it's all thanks to oikawa tooru. Soon we realized we both had a love for a sport, that sport being volleyball. We began to practice volleyball everyday, he showed me his little setting secrets. With his help I became the skillful setter I am today. Days passed, not realizing the summer was coming to an end. It was a busy day at the restaurant and the hours began winding down, meaning mine and Oikawas shift was almost over. I began to look for him, finally I spotted him.

Spotting him when I wish I didn't, he was on the balcony with some girl, the way he held her waist and cupped her small face told me they knew each other in the same way me and oikawa were supposed to know each other.

" oikawa? who is this?" I ask with a shaking voice pointing to the unknown girl.

" I'm his girlfriend who are you?" The unknown girl says pulling oikawa closer
Oikawa never once turned around and looked at me while I stood there.

Ah, so this summer was all a lie. Everything we did, everything he said. There was no truth in any of it. I stepped back into the restaurant speed walking to the back, trying to hide my tears, I sign myself out early and head home for the rest of the night.

"I never did go back to the restaurant after that little incident. I still have the necklace he gave me, I was planning to give it back whenever I seen him again. I just didn't expect to meet up with him so soon."

" wow y/n. I never knew Oikawa could be so harsh, now I understand, I'm sorry you had to go through that" Michimiya says in awe. The girls gather and hug me.

I never knew I would find such teammates, they're all I could ask for and more. I think I've found my home. I'll forever be grateful to Karasuno Senior Girls Volleyball Team, they listened to my story, the story that held me back. I felt welcomed and filled with love, truthfully this time.

ahhhh I just came back and seen this story has 5k reads!! Never thought I'd see the day tbh, I thought I'd get 500 reads at most heheh. Thank you all for staying and reading this messy story. Also for waiting for my VERY slow updates hhhh😭 I'll be back soon! Stay safe out there everyone don't forget to wash ur hands ( the quarantine is real hhhh if you didn't yet, watch the new season of haikyuu!!)
Also don't mind if there's any mistakes or typos, I'll be back to fix them! Don't forget to leave a vote and a comment! I love coming back to feedback ( especially when it's good hehe)

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