chapter 7

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    y/n's heart drops as she turns her head to a sly smiling brown haired boy.
"y/n, there you are! It hurt when you didn't reply to me out by the main doors earlier." Oikawa pauses before he starts again. " What line and position are you playing?"

" first line setter" i say

"Ah, so our hours of practice helped I see, I'm glad you can show off your talents even more now." Oikawa says while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I nod while taking a step away from the brown haired boy, furthering the distance between us. Oikawa smirks before continuing on.
" It seems you've grown from the last time I seen you, would you be my girlfriend again? I promise things will be different this time. I won't cheat on you ever again"

I can feel my face begin to heat up, there's a lump in my throat. Just as I was about to speak the referee blows his whistle. Silently I thank the referee for stopping me before I could reply to Oikawa, who knows what I would have said. I push past the captain of aoba johsai, trying to get back to our classroom before tears fall, I bump into Michimiya.

" y/n? whoa are you okay? don't answer that yet, let's go back to the classroom, there's less people in there." michimiya grabs my hand.

we reach the classroom, finally safe from a certain someone I break down crying. Reliving the memory of my first heartbreak, feeling the hurt and betrayal from someone I thought I could trust.

"Why are you crying y/n? We can't help you unless you tell us why you're feeling down" one third year girl says.

" it's my ex, he's here." I say sniffling.

" your ex? wait who?" michimiya asks.

" tooru oikawa" I reply.

All of the girls in the room gasp, surprised of my answer.

" we met during the summer, at the beach during my family's vacation. It was quite weird how we met honestly." I wiped my tears as I was preparing to tell my team about how I met the tooru oikawa while on a vacation. Oh how I wish I didn't fall into his little trap.

i thought it was time to update this story since season 4 of haikyuu is out. lol reading some of the other chapters I realized how badly i wrote. I also realized how I didn't plan anything out ( still to this day I didn't plan ANYTHING. someday I'll learn lol jk) sorry for this short update. anyways who's excited about the new season?? bc Im super excited!! promise I'll be back soon <3

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