Chapter 28 - Guardians

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"I don't understand," Rapunzel muttered as the man looked at them, smiling. "Who are you, anyway?"

The old man grinned and introduced himself and his ensemble.

"I am Santa, call me North," he said in his deep Russian accent. "This is Toothiana - call her Tooth, this is Sandman, and Bunny."

"Bunny?" Jack asked, smirking. "Kangaroo, more like."

"Watch it sunshine!" The Easter Bunny snarled. He had a strong Australian accent.

"Well, if you're not a kangaroo," Jack said menacingly, "what are you?"

"I'm a bunny," he growled, if that was possible for a rabbit. Hiccup cut them off with a question to North.

"Why are we here? Why us? We're not right for Guardians!"

"I did not choose you!" North boomed happily. "Man in Moon chose you. Man in Moon is always right."

"Who says?" Merida folded her arms irritably. "I've never heard of this 'man in moon.'" She imitated North's accent.  "I don't want to be a guardian!"

"Of course you do!" North grinned.

"What do we have to do?" Rapunzel asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Protect the children of the world," Toothiana replied. Hiccup snorted.

"Why don't you ask us to move Antarctica to the left a bit while we're at it then, huh?"

"You funny, Viking, you very funny," North patted his stomach. "We get along very well, yes?"

"No," Merida snapped, grabbing Hiccup's hand. "We're leaving."

"I don't think so," North smiled to himself. As the four of them began to walk out, two yetis picked them up, one in each hand. They dropped them in front of North who was grinning down at them as they scowled back.

"You have been chosen as guardians. There is nothing I can do. You cannot die; you are immortal."

"Immortal?" Rapunzel's eyes grew wide. "Why? Why have we been picked? Why no one else?"

"You have done so much for us," North replied, "getting rid of Mord'u. We had never faced a greater threat. And now - he's gone. We owe so much to you."

"Then let us go!" Jack shook his head in disbelief at the old man, trying to make him see sense. "Can't you see? We don't want to be here! We want to be out there -" he gestured, "living our lives!"

"I have no choice." North sighed. "You are guardians now. It cannot be undone. You have seen too much. I am sorry, Jack, Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup. I am sorry. But I promise you there are good things to come out of this. You will protect the children of this world. You can do anything! You have no boundaries or restrictions! You are free!"

"Wait a moment," Merida stopped him, "did you say, 'free?'"

North nodded.

"As long as children believe in you, you are free. You have powers -"

"Powers?" The four said at exactly the same time.

"No we don't!"

"I think we'd know if we could fly or something -"

"Yeah, like that's ever going to happ-"

"You have powers," North cut across them, "whether you want to have them or not. Merida, you are fire. Rapunzel, you heal with your hair. Hiccup, you produce forcefields. Jack, you are ice. You four are also guardians of the seasons. Merida, summer. Rapunzel, spring. Jack, winter. Hiccup, autumn. You are imperative to keeping this world happy and alive. Use your powers well. We know you will. We have faith in you."

"... Fine," Merida said, looking into his piercing blue eyes, "I'll go with you."

Rapunzel stepped forward too.

"If you're going then I am too."

"You're going nowhere without me," Jack held her hand.

"Well I guess that means I'm going too," Hiccup shrugged.

North grinned at all of them.

"Welcome - new Guardians!" he boomed and some small, elf-like creatures began to serenade them on tiny brass bugles. Jack tested out his new power by freezing them so they couldn't play any more.

"Guardians, on the condition of no music from them," he pointed. North looked at the elves.

"You heard him. No more music!"

The elves hung their heads and made faces at Jack behind his back as they returned to North's workshop.

"You begin your work tomorrow. Today you are able to go as you please, do what you want. Take advantage of it. You might get another day like today, next century, perhaps?" He grinned at all of them. "I have to go. Christmas is nearly here!"

"It's in a month's time!" Bunny said incredulously.

"Better safe than sorry!" North retorted, entering his bustling workshop.

Jack, Rapunzel, Merida and Hiccup didn't waste time getting used to their powers. They soon realised that all four of them were able to fly and this thoroughly entertained them for an hour, Merida especially. She'd always dreamt of it when she stood on the top of the Fire Falls, but she never thought she'd experience it firsthand.

Jack and Merida then had an interesting time battling it out with their powers, fire versus ice. Hiccup and Rapunzel were laughing their heads off when Merida set light to Jack's hair, but he managed to put it out as quickly as it lit. He responded by freezing her feet together. She fell flat on her face and Hiccup had to try hard not to laugh. Eventually they stopped mucking around and Jack created a small snowfall for him and Rapunzel while Merida made a fire for her and Hiccup.

"What a day," Merida sighed as she leaned into Hiccup's shoulder. Hiccup placed an arm around her gently.

"Yeah," he whispered. "Hang on," He sat up. "If that's what happened to us - what happened to Astrid?"

Almost as soon as he said it, a vision appeared before them. It showed Astrid's body in her Viking clothes, lying on cold ground with a man draped in bear skin standing over her. Merida gasped.

"She was working for him, and when she couldn't seperate us, he, he killed her..."

"She didn't deserve that," Hiccup stared, his eyes wide and glassy. "She wasn't nice at all, but she didn't deserve that."

"I'm sorry Hiccup," Merida looked into his eyes apologetically.

"I never liked her; no need to apologise," Hiccup met her gaze, "but I won't pretend it wasn't a shock."

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