Chapter 6 - Suitcases

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Jack wheeled his suitcase through the corridors of this summer camp building. He sighed and slipped his Skull Candy headphones on as Bastille played through his phone -

All this bad blood here -

Won't you let it dry?

It's been cold for years -

Won't you let it lie?

He bowed his head as he focused on the beat and the synths pumping through the wires and into his depressed brain. Music gave him energy, like an electric shock. He seemed to be so focused he didn't see a girl turning into the games room and he collided into her, both their suitcases going flying and spreading their clothes everywhere.

"Goddamnit!" Jack yelled as he hit his head on the wall as he crashed down with her, the girl landing on the pile of clothes that had been released, "I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to -"

And all of a sudden he stopped. This girl's eyes were mesmerising as he saw her properly for the first time. She had really long blonde hair that she'd tied back loosely into a ponytail and she was wearing a floaty purple cardigan that hung off of her shoulders.

"I, um," he stuttered as he jumped to his feet, finally offering his hand to help her up. She accepted as he pulled her to her feet. "I'm so sorry, that was completely my fault - I didn't see where I was going and I -"

The girl giggled, but not in an annoying way like some girls. This was a clean, ringing laugh that made Jack's stomach do a backflip for some reason. Was it something I ate earlier? Jack was really confused. Why was his mind playing tricks on him? His stomach seemed to be in on the joke too.

"It's fine, don't worry!" she said, beginning to pick up her belongings from the floor.

"No, let me do that -" Jack offered, "it was me who ran into you."

The girl smiled at him, making her bottle green eyes light up.

"Quite the gentleman, aren't you?"

"I like to think so," Jack grinned.

She raised her eyebrows quizzically at him.

"Are you flirting with a girl you've only just met?"

"No -!" Jack panicked slightly, but the girl wasn't upset, she was laughing again.

"Rapunzel," she said, offering her hand out to him.

"Jack," he replied, shaking it, his blush finally fading. He started to fold her clothes for her whilst she packed them into the case, and they repeated this for Jack's belongings.

"Thanks," they both said at the same time, then they both laughed. Jack took the opportunity to look into her eyes; they were brighter than anything he'd seen. The lightest green, the prettiest lashes - wait what?!

"Um -" Jack started stuttering again, what do you say to a girl you've virtually just fallen for? But he didn't know - something about those eyes seemed so familiar to him, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear, it all sent alarm bells ringing madly in his head. But where was she from? That he couldn't figure out.

"Do I know you?" he finally voiced.

Rapunzel seemed taken aback.

"Why would you know me?"

"I don't know why," he said, puzzled, taking a step forwards and looking down into her vast eyes, "but I just know we've met before."

"But - how?"

Jack sighed.

"I'm certain you look familiar."

Rapunzel obviously felt a little awkward because she looked away. But she soon turned back and said,

"Do you want to find our dormitories? What number are you?"

"The grumpy woman in the vest said I'm room 26."

"I'm 25. Looks like we'll be seeing each other a lot then!"

"I guess," Jack grinned. "I'm not complaining."

Rapunzel looked at him with a cocked eyebrow again.

"Again, the flirting with someone you've just met -"

"But I haven't just met you."

A/N Story is picking up slowly but surely!! Hope you guys enjoyed this, I'm going to try and fit a bit more Jackunzel in this story because I'm really bad at writing anything other than my OTP... Ah well - I'm learning :)

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