27) Steve and Loki go for a drink

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Loki was kind enough to meet up with Steve in the days after his return to America from the ice. He'd asked Steve to pick the place, knowing the man would choose somewhere, anywhere, that was still around from the '40s. They ended up in a dated diner where Brooklyn bordered Queens, right between the two boroughs.

"This is nice," Loki commented, looking around.

He was lying, of course, but, if there was one thing he could do, it was lie.

"Thanks," Steve replied, smiling slightly but still looking comfortable. "I'm sure this isn't what you're used to."

"Tony and I visit places off the beaten track far more than you'd think," Loki grinned.

"Ah, yes, of course," Steve said, understanding, but uneasy at the mention of Tony's name.

"Steve," Loki sighed, "If there is anything you want to ask, anything you want to get off your chest, ask me now. I won't judge and I won't invade your privacy."

"That's very kind of you," Steve said at long last. "I have a few questions."

He asked a few questions about modern technology, culture, noting things down in his little notebook. Then he closed the notebook, sighed and asked:
"What is Tony Stark like?"

"You knew his father, didn't you?" Loki questioned, although he knew that already.

He wanted a little time to think before he ruined Steve's idyllic war memories. Steve nodded.

"Tony's a playboy," Loki began with a grin and Steve smiled slightly, presumably being strongly reminded of Tony's father. "He's also consistently the smartest guy in the room. He's extremely rich but he gives to good causes. He made his money mainly in the medical industry, producing technology to help people."

Steve frowned minimally.

"Howard made his money making weapons," he said, sounding confused.

Loki sighed, stroking his forehead to dispel the headache forming there.

"Tony didn't get on with his father. When Howard died, Tony did everything he could to be different and to make a different name for himself. He didn't want to be compared to his father."

It looked like Steve might cry.

"How did he die?" The supersoldier asked, clearly subdued.

"Howard and Maria Stark died in a car crash before I met Tony."

"I'm sorry," Steve said, shaking his head. "That's terrible."

"It's not me you need to say that to," Loki said ruefully.

"Hiya boys," said Natasha, appearing suddenly beside their table. "We need your help."

"My help?" Steve asked, bewildered, having jumped at Natasha's arrival.

"Well, no," Natasha admitted. "Mainly Alden's."

"I'd like to come along," Steve decided. "I have nothing else to do - maybe I could help?"

Natasha pursed her lips as though biting into a sour apple, a look which Loki caught but Steve didn't. Steve clearly wasn't wanted at this consultation but Loki wasn't about to muscle in. He felt sorry for Steve and also felt a small sense of kinship with the man. Both were men out of time, away from things they knew or recognised. Admittedly Loki had lived in modern day America a lot longer than Steve had, but they'd still started in the same place: alone and frightened of a new, unfamiliar world.

Starting Over - Loki (COMPLETE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें