40) Discussing Thanos

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As expected, Natasha and Steve were already wide awake.

"I heard you calling Fury," shrugged Natasha.

"I was about to go for a run," admitted Steve sheepishly.

"At half four in the morning?" Tony asked incredulously.

Steve didn't bother replying.

Bruce and Clint entered, yawning. Rhodey was presumably back at his military headquarters.

"What's up?" Questioned Clint.

Unlike Natasha, he had no qualms about being unprofessional when it called for it. He wasn't an early riser and didn't pretend to be.

Tony looked at Loki.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this..." The billionaire began.

"We are preparing for invasion," completed Natasha, totally emotionless.

"America is being invaded?" Exclaimed Steve.

"You eavesdropped on my call?" Tony cried.

"America is not being invaded, Captain," Loki said.

Steve instantly relaxed, relieved. Loki continued.

"The earth is being invaded."

"By aliens," Tony added helpfully.


Steve took a step back, completely lost. Clint gave them all a dumbfounded look.

"Sorry, but I'm not buying it. Coulson said I would see some weird shit at S.H.I.E.L.D but nothing about aliens."

"I'm afraid that this is the truth," Loki said somberly. "I had a vision. We're going to be invaded by The Other and Chitauri."

"Okay, I'm out," declared Clint. "I'm going back to sleep; see you later. I reckon this is all some batshit dream."

He walked away.

"I'll explain it to him," Natasha promised, hurrying after him.

"Aliens, Al_ Loki?" Asked Steve.

"Unfortunately," Loki admitted.

"Do we know anything about them?"

"I think I'll save that for when everybody's present. Everybody which unfortunately will have to include Thor."

"Thor?" Exclaimed Tony. "You want him here?"

"I may not like him but Thor is the God of Thunder. He has power beyond all of us."

"I doubt it," Tony scoffed.

Loki gave him a look.

"What?" The billionaire said defensively. "I think you're worth twelve of him."

"Thanks, Tony," Loki replied, smiling at the unexpected compliment.

The truth seemed to have finally sunk in with Steve.

"Woah, aliens," he breathed, apparently speaking to himself.

"You and me both," Bruce muttered. "Loki, I didn't expect this."

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