11) Malibu

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Tony took Loki to his pride and joy - the Malibu mansion.

"Pick a room, any room," he declared cheerfully. "Jarvis more or less runs everything. Jarvis, meet Alden."

"Good evening, Sir," came the smooth British voice.

"Hello, Jarvis," replied Loki pleasantly.

Tony seemed delighted by his instant acceptance of Jarvis but the truth was that Loki had done his research. Over the years, many people had visited the Malibu mansion for parties and socials and so of course Jarvis had been commented on. It wasn't hard to join the dots between the mention of an all-seeing voice in the ceiling and a high functioning Artificial Intelligence capable of emotion.

"Well I'll be in the workshop if you need me," Tony stated. "Tell Jarvis and I'll come up but I suggest, for now, that you get some sleep. Us genii do still need that sort of thing."

"Indeed," Loki acquiesced and bade Tony goodnight.

However, instead of finding a room, Loki sat in the living room and took out his phone. Daniel had messaged him:

How is it?

... Big. Miss me already?

As if. Make the most of it, Alden.

As if I wouldn't.

I imagine you're already missing me if you are actually replying this quickly.

Can a man not text without being questioned?

Not when it's you, Alden. You took far too long to learn how to use a smartphone.

And now I'm better than you. I'm a fast learner.

I know that, there's no need to tell me that.

I suppose it shall be fine here. It's not as though I am lacking anything. Everything is provided and Stark seems hospitable enough.

Do you actually miss the hospital and living in a dingy flat?

Please do not submit anyone to that fate as hospital administrator. Those flats were grim. And can I admit to missing the company without sounding uncharacteristic and oddly sentimental?

Coming from you, Alden... No.

As I thought. I shall speak to you soon, Daniel.

Don't miss me too much.

I'll try not to.

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