38) Loki and Natasha chat

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Overwhelmed by the last couple of minutes, Loki walked through into the lounge area where Natasha, Pepper and Rhodey were. Loki hoped they hadn't been able to hear anything of his conversation with Thor.

"I'm sorry," Natasha said, immediately upon seeing him.

He knew immediately what she was talking about. She hadn't intended to reveal that Loki was scared of Thor at all.

"Don't be sorry," he replied. "I am grateful. Few have stood up for me in my lifetime. I will remember this, Natasha Romanoffdottir."

She smiled.

"I remember all you've done for me too," she said gently, touching his arm briefly.

Loki shrugged.

"I have not done much," he pointed out.

"You've done much more than you'll ever know," she whispered, smiling.

He wasn't sure what Natasha was talking about but decided to ignore it.

"Thor has now left," he said instead. "Hopefully peace will descend on the tower."

"I think you're being uncharacteristically optimistic," Natasha replied with a smile. "But I won't burst your bubble. See you around, Loki."

It was the first time she had called him Loki and he couldn't work out whether it felt natural or not. Luckily he had plenty of time to work out what name he wanted to be called by.

A short way away, Pepper and Rhodey sat on the sofa. Even if they had been talking before, they weren't talking now.

"Where's Tony?" Loki asked, coming over to them.

"He's either drowning his sorrows in alcohol or finding out all of your weaknesses from articles on mythology, intent on exploiting them if you get all godly and destructive," Rhodey replied.

"Thanks, Rhodey," Loki replied sarcastically.

"He's getting us pizza," Pepper kindly informed him.

"On his own?" Loki questioned, surprised.

Tony couldn't even tie his own shoelaces, let alone walk into a restaurant and order pizza.

"Happy went with him," the assistant answered with a smile.

There was a small pause.

"Thank you, Loki," Pepper said suddenly.

Loki was astonished.

"Whatever for?"

Rhodey rolled his eyes.

"You did save the lives of thousands of people," he pointed out. "Or have you already forgotten why you passed out? It's not like you fainted. You saved thousands of lives while mid-air and then passed out."

"Don't remind me," Loki said, frowning. "Thor insists nobody else would have caught me."

"I would have," Rhodey replied instantly. "Or Tony. He hasn't got an Iron Legion for nothing. Personally, I would have ditched the plane if it meant catching you."

"Thank you," Loki said awkwardly with a small laugh, "But I think it would be best if you stuck to saving civilians. The fall wouldn't have killed me anyway."

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