He was not telling Shades about his whoops moment..


They had to muffle their laughter.

Now that was hilarious to watch.

And he had it recorded, his Little Light would find it silly.

Hmmm... Hopefully Searcher remembered to bring water to drink during this adventure.


Goth slowly sat up, before he took a quick drink from his flask of water, he was never going to let anything or anyone know about that...

Fate giggled, that was so funny.

He stood up, brushing off what he could of the ash and the dust.

He looked back up the way that he had came, there was no way that he was going to be able to get back up there...

He sighed, and he looked in the other direction that he could take, only to freeze when he saw the crumbling, decaying pillars.


Shades was going to kill him.

If he went in there, he could be facing something much more dangerous and scarier then a Guardian....

He could lie and say that he got the days mixed up, but in the end, he sighed. He didn't have the time to worry about things like that and he had learned how dangerous overthinking things was to him the hard way....

He slowly walked over to the pillars, looking at all of the carvings on them, he could just have to delay the upcoming battle between him and the Guardian as long as he could....

The pillars were covered in carvings, and he could see scattered masonry around them that also had carvings on them.

He was now in Research Heaven, so many carvings and they all belonged to him! He clapped his hands together and he ran towards the nearest piece of masonry, pulling out the tools that he needed from his inventory.

Well, at least he could tell Shades that he did something fun during these two weeks....


He had already seen most of the carvings that he had found, and that took a bit of the fun out of it....

He was lying on top of another piece of masonary, but this one had no carvings. It was warm enough that he just needed to use a blanket and a air mattress for a bed tonight.

He was definitely not stepping beyond the boundary that the pillars and the masonry made, nope.

He had not seen an altar yet, nope....

Oh, who was he trying to fool.... He knew that the altar was waiting for him to find it, but he didn't want to find it, not yet...

Goth stared at the last piece of masonry that he had to look at, before he sighed. He could look at that in the morning. He rolled over in his bed and he tried to get some sleep.


He had strange dreams that night, he kept seeing his Dad, struggling against something that was holding him down.

His Dad reached a hand out to him, placing it against his cheek, before he managed to wrap himself around him.

"Don't worry Baby Bones, everything is going to be okay..."

He started to cry, even as his Dad wrapped his wings around them, it had been so long since he had been held by his Dad like this.


Child of Death, Destroyer of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now