Brooke and Steph suggest at the same time.

"I'll agree with Brooke," Cole says.

Steph rolls at that. Of course he'd agree with anything Brooke says.

"What about you Luke?" Brooke questions.

"We could do both. Go to the park and then go see a movie," Luke counters.

"That's a good idea," Steph agrees.

"Yeah," Cole and Brooke say in unison.

"Cool. We'll talk later," Cole says just as the bell rings.

"Okay, bye." Brooke says as they go their separate ways.


It's another History class and Mrs. Greene is teaching. Stephanie is seated at the same spot she did the last time she had this class - when she got detention; and Christopher is seated beside her again - much to her chagrin. And yet again, just like the last time - the lesson is boring.

Stephanie finds herself doodling yet again and luckily for her, Chris hasn't bothered her since the class started. She glances his way and finds him busy with his pencil with a serious look on his face.

Seems like the lesson isn't boring to him this time around. She exhales and goes back to scribbling. She wouldn't wanna do anything to annoy Mrs. Greene. Look what happened the last time.

"Psst," she hears from beside her.

Gosh! Why does he love doing that?

"Psst," he does it again.
She turns to face Chris.

"Look it's a drawing of Mrs. Greene," he whispers and slightly lifts up his notebook to show her a drawing.

Steph stares at the drawing that looks nothing like their history teacher. It kinda looks like Ogre Princess Fiona from Shrek. Stephanie begins to chuckle at that thought. She looks forward just as Mrs. Greene notices her. She immediately turns her chuckles into coughs and pretends to be in slight pain.

Chris tries not to smile, opening his notebook to the next page in case Mrs. Greene decides to walk over.

"What is it, Valentine?" Mrs. Greene asks with displeasure.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I choked on my saliva," Steph lies, letting out a few more fake coughs.

Mrs. Greene gives her a disapproving look and decides not to say anything. She instead continues with her teaching.

Steph turns to glower at Chris and he gives her a sheepish smile. She has no idea when her lips break into a smile of it's own.
He wasn't concentrating after all. Just busy drawing an ogre-like version of Mrs. Greene.
Minutes later, class is over and it is the last class for today. Students file out after the teacher but Stephanie stays put in her seat, carefully and sluggishly packing her things. Chris stays back too and immediately the last person walks out the door, he speaks up.

"So how did you like my drawing of Greene?" He asks, smirking.

"I swear it's like you wanna get my name in Mrs. Greene's black book and I don't want that. And I think drawing is not one of the things you're good at," she replies as she stands.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you. Didn't you see my awesome drawing?" He remarks. He turns the pages of his notebook and tears out the page with the drawing.

"Here," he stretches it to her. "You can have my amazing work of art. You can ask for my autograph another time," he grins.

"No thank you. It's very awful for something called art." Steph lies.

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