"Very well. But since you're here now, and seem to know more than you should, it seems we have a few things to discuss. Follow me." He takes my hand and guides me across the factory, towards another set of double doors.

"Would you like a drink?" He asks casually, pushing the metal door open with force.

"No tha-"

I'm interrupted when I walk into the smoke filled casino, intimately lit with lights just like the hallway entrance. It feels insanely expensive just looking at it, with the red suede cushions in each booth, and tables lined with gold trimming. I notice a stage in the back, with a woman singing softly to the audience in front of her, swaying back and forth as she holds onto the microphone stand.

The bar is just ahead, and I see many women barely dressed at all with their legs crossed as they sit on the high stools. Five to six inch heels hang just above the floor, and their dresses hike up, stopping just believe their crotches. It seems like I'm the only one with enough clothes on in this place.

"Join me Ms.Rivers." He snaps his fingers and waitress leads us to a two seater booth close to the wall, and I slide in across from him.

"So, how can I help you?" He smiles smugly at me, and I feel the sudden urge to punch him in the face.

He knows very well what I'm here for. I handed him the damn papers myself.

"Don't fuck with me, you know why I'm here. It seems like last time we spoke, you couldn't really answer me." I cross my arms over my chest, and cross my legs under the table.

"Oh, she's feisty! Just like her mum." He claps as he laughs and smiles wickedly at me. "Take note Ellana, never threaten the man who owns the place."

Immediately, three men who I never noticed standing close by, lift their jackets up a bit, and I spot a gun stuffed against their hips.

This man is actually insane.

"Tell me David. At least tell me how I can learn more about her." I plea nicely this time, shoving the bile rising up my throat, back down.

"America." He folds his hands on the table, and leans toward the tiny lamp between us.


"America. The United States."

"What about it?!" I sigh frustrated and annoyed.

"If you need to know more, America is where you should go. Your mum knew a woman there, named Gelise I believe. She moved to America just after Kiera passed away." He purses his lips into a firm line. "That's where you need to be if all you want is closure babe. Not here. It's not safe here."

Why does every keep telling me that?

"So, if I go to America, where do I start?" I know I'm pushing the boundaries with my questions, but he's the one who wanted me to come here in the first place.

I'm not leaving without answers.

"I'll answer that, right after I give you a back story on your precious mum." His gazes turns away, and he spaces out a bit. "Lovely woman, I must say."

"Focus David." I snap at his face, and he blinks rapidly back at me.

"Sorry, sorry."

A loud crash sounds behind me and I whip my head around to see two muscular men carrying someone inside by the arms.

Rather familiar, tattooed arms actually.

"Someone couldn't do their job I see." David mumbles and watches from our table.

The two men drop him on the floor, and he falls on his hands and knees, panting heavily. His sleek black hair is brushed back, but a strand seems to hang loose, just across his forehead. The sleeves of his button up shirt are rolled to his elbows as he holds himself up, and lets out a loud cough.

"Fuck." He sighs, and keeps his head down.

I know that voice anywhere.

I stand cautiously, earning a confused glance from David and few other stares from around the room. Slowly, I walk closer to the poor man, visibly coughing up blood onto the carpet, creating a dark stain into the floor.

My jaw completely drops to the floor, and I cover my mouth to hide my shock as the man stares up at me, blood dripping from his lip. His hazel brown eyes gaze into mine, somehow shining in the midst of the hideous bruise forming around one of them. A deep cut is slashed across his cheek, connecting from just about his ear to the corner of his swollen, bleeding lips.

I say the one thing I was hoping I wouldn't have to say, one name I never dreamed I'd ever to say in this situation.


YAY FINALLY. It can pretty much snowball from here if I write the next few chapters correctly lol by the way I always appreciate feedback on my story! Every vote means the world to me you don't even know. Every comment keeps me motivated like crazy to keep writing so thank you to those of you who continue to do so :)

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