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Hi guys back with the next part, so here is the second last part.

"i know Ragini Darling, you are confused" Karthik said but stopped by Laksh. "don't dare to call her as darling and all, she is only my darling" Laksh shouted but Karthik ignored that.

"You may not Remember me Ragini, but you know how much I loved you in college days" karthik said and Ragini looked at him shocked. She didn't even have memory of seeing Karthik before.

"from the day one I saw you, I went behind you like a love sick puppy, but you know what? Your so called Aarav didn't allowed my shadow to touch you. But then I was so idiotic to not to find the truth behind your concern over you. But you know that time it didn't minded that, you do you remember Vikram, whom your Aarav send to jail for teasing his loveable wife Amrita? " karthik paused and Ragini widened her Eyes.

" what the hell are you blabbering karthik, there is no way you know me before and what relation do you have with that moron Vikram and what is this Aparna, why did you even joined your hands with him" Ragini asked unable to trust his words.

Aarav can't even open his eyes his mind is completely blocked, and Amrita kept starting at Aarav's face, she is not sure for how many hours she can stare at him.

But Laksh sat there like he got struck somewhere a group of Andromedan aliens discussing some problems about which he didn't know a damn about.

"vikram is my one and only brother Ragini, and for sending him to jail we planned a revenge but.. But that Jaidev kept stopping him we tried hard to stop him but you know I lost my brother in the fight with that Jaidev, but I'm happy, at least we managed to kill him. When I saw the Lost Aarav who was completely broken because of his father's death, I felt such a satisfaction. But then this Amrita entered into his life and changed him back.

That is when I met Aparna, the Aparna who loved arrav form a long time and totally broken, I fixed her and used her, the day Amrita gave birth to your baby, we tried to kill her but she ran away taking your one child, ohh.. You didn't know that na? Your gave birth to twins. And then I send my popele to kill her and Aparna  did as I said. And she gained Ragini's trust and you married her as your Ragini asked, is it clear now? " karthik asked and Ragini nodded her head slowly.

" so okay, let's come to the conclusion, I want Ragini, swara wants Laksh and Of course Aparna wants Aarav, so I can't kill three of you and then the who is not wanted at all is Amrita, let's start with Killing her. What do you think Aparna?" karthik asked and Amrita nodded.

Karthik took a gun and pointed towards Amrita's head suddenly he felt a sudden blow on his chin and next second he fell down and Aarav stod before him pointing a gun at him.

" ahh, what is this? How could you untie the rope?" Aparna asked and Aarav laughted. "No I can't let this happen, I can't fail now" Aparna siad and took knife and about to stab Amrita but stopped when she felt a gun pressed at her abdomen.

"Swara what the hell are you doing? Why are you pointing gun at her?" Karthik shouted and Aarav laughed.

"swara just untie Laksh" Aarav Said and she simply did as he said. Ragini and Laksh looked at swara as if some miracle happened.

"Swara are you mad, why are you obeying him like a fool" karthik shouted.

"ohhhh, didn't shout Karthik I hate sounds" Swara said and sat on chair putting her one leg over other. " First of all I'm no fool, that is why I obey him secondly it was you who is going to became mad on few minutes" she said and Aparna stood shocked.

"what do you think Karthik and Aparna, are you guys thinking that you brought them here? Karthik are you believing that you made this plan? Poor you! It was Aarav who planned this. You are the one who fell into his trap" Swara said Aarav laughed.

"Swara, are you okay? Do you feel dizzy and all. Are you having any mental problems and all" Laksh asked not believing the things happening before him.

"i know Laksh it's hard to believe, but just think when a truck is coming towards you, it's better to stand aside then standing against it and get hit and die, isn't it? That's what I did. When I know about Aarav and his warth why oppose him? So I just joined with him " Swara and Aarav and him shared a hifi.

" You should have used your brain Laksh, do you think I will allow my Ragu near you, when you are married to this Swara, no way. Only after she told me about the whole truth, I let my Ragu near you but the unexpected was Amrita, I never thought she Will be pretending like Rithu and I can't identify her" Aarav said with tears and Amrita ran towards him and hugged him and he kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry Aarav I should have come to you, but I thought you live happily with your wife so didn't wanted to disturb you" Amrita cried and he wiped her tears.

"she is not my wife Amrita, I can't just accept anyone else as my wife" Aarav said. "no way, I'm your wife, she is basically dead to the world and we have our marriage certificate" Aparna shouted.

"sorry to say this Aparna, but I forgot to sign our marriage certificate and so you are not legally my wife" Aarav smirked and Aparna stood frozen.

"how much I trusted you Aparna, you simply wasted all those isn't it? How can you stage up a play that felt so real. I have got no doubts, I should appreciate your acting skills, yet then you made a big mistake. The day when you told me 'I and our child' that our child is what bothered me, then it was just a matter of hour to find your reality"Aarav finished and cops arrived there.

"so guys rot I. Jail bye" Aarav waved his hands to karthik and Apsara.

Short one I know but I have to finish this so the next part will be the epilogue and I asked my followers for the idea of the next story I gave them two options

1) A mystery thriller
2)A love triangle

And the it became draw with 4,4 each asking here. Tell me which one you guys want as my next work..

Take care bye

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