Chapter 23: Cold

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Snow swirled around her legs as she stood in the snowy plain. It threaded itself around her, like it was trying to tie her legs to the ground. All around her was the cold powdery blanket that clung to her legs until it melted and soaked her pelt. The horizon was lifeless, looking just the same as the snow next to her. Her icy tail swept up snow flurries as it wiped across small snowy mounds. The snow relaxed her mind, putting all the problems at ease. Gold eyes watched the snowy desert around her as she searched for the panthress who had obviously caused the vision.

"Why did you tell them?" a voice echoed from behind her. Cyrene slowly turned around, knowing well who it was.

"Feluna, unlike you I decided to choose my own path. I chose not to become your pawn for some prophecy." Cyrene tried to keep her voice straight. Feluna glared at her.

"Then you are a fool," she hissed, penetrating Cyrene with her deep golden eyes. "You can't escape your destiny, or the prophecy. You heard the words it spoke. You must choose light or dark. We both know which one will bring you the most power."

"What if I don't choose?" Cyrene asked.

"It's very simple," Feluna laughed back darkly. "You will die."

Cyrene froze. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to choose either.

"The prophecy was very clear," Feluna added. "You are of light and dark, you must choose your breath."

Cyrene didn't respond.

"I know you have found the stone and the platform where you must kill the felines," Feluna told her as she started to circle her prey.

"I haven't found the stone."


"Says the panthress who killed my mother and then sent her dead body into Veilded," Cyrene muttered. Feluna just let out a small laugh.

"What has to be done has to be done. Everything that should happen will happen. Your friend Fida's death was unavoidable," Feluna told Cyrene, coming to a halt right in front of her.

"How did you know she would die?" Cyrene growled. Feluna wasn't there. She couldn't have seen it or caused it.

"Her death was literally written in stone. I know you saw her death in the Nitor cave. I know you saw yourself crying over a body. Who did you think it was? Fida had the stone we both needed around her necklace. She wouldn't let go of it while she was alive," Feluna said. Cyrene's mind flickered back to the scarlet stone that had been lying among the sapphires by Fida's dead body.

"It doesn't matter if I have the stone now. I'm not doing it!" Cyrene hissed, her fur starting to bristle.

"I think you are," Feluna smiled coldly from beside her. "You see, you really have no choice."

Cyrene titled her head towards the solid black feline. Feluna hoarsely started chanting words that were unknown to even Cyrene. Slowly two shapes started rising out of the snow next to her. Cyrene took a step back and watched. The snow broke apart as two sleeping panthers appeared. One was small and delicate, with huge closed eyes and a small pink nose. Lying on the other side of Feluna was a gigantic male panther with scars lining his pelt like snowflakes. Their sides rose in steady rhythms, like they were both in some kind of trance.

"Have you changed your mind?" Feluna asked, striding around behind her. Cyrene looked at the panthers again and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe she had been so stupid.

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