Chapter 12: Truth

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The panther looked down at his domain. It was just as he imagined it. All around him were warriors, battle-hardened and ruthless. They were perfect.

The panther smiled. It sounded like a tale, the story he was writing. How he had risen from the bottom, clawed his way to the top, and started a war to bring the highest glaring to its proper place. He could just imagine young cubs pleading to their mothers to tell them the story again.

He sat on the tree trunk, examining those below him. A cheetah scurried past him carrying cheaply made helmets. Behind it six more wild cats followed. They carried an array of armor. They had chest plates and large sheets of metal thrown across their backs, and the panther growled as one of them almost dropped a piece. It was too expensive to break. He had traded almost all of the written battle plans they had to Sapiens for the armor. The birds drove a hard bargain, but he figured it was worth it. Soon new battle plans would be made and they would be his.

He couldn't believe Anglo had spent all this time play-fighting. They had so much strength, so much potential, and they had wasted it all on keeping peace with the other glarings. But that time was up. He was leading them now.

As the sun pushed itself into the sky and the stars veered away in defeat, he smiled to himself. It was almost time. In only a matter of hours the useless excuse for a glaring would be gone, and he and Anglo would become even more powerful. He would let Anglo rule all of Atra. He would become the most powerful of them all. As he sat on the trunk a lone voice pierced the clanging of war-beaten metal around them.

"Great Ares, Leader of Anglo, Protector of the Higher, Bringer-"

"Yes?" Ares growled, slowly turning around to glare at the cougar. The cougar shrunk, his eyes pressed to the floor. He watched the feline squirm beneath him.

"You wanted me to bring the rebels?" it squeaked, trembling all over. Ares snarled at the cougar. He didn't need his orders confirmed. "Well, the ones you wanted, they're waiting in your den. They are refusing to change their opinions at all."

"Oh well, they have had their chance. Anglo must learn its place in Atra. Why can't they see I'm doing what's best? I'm giving them power. Anyway, we can't have the loyal swayed by them. Kill the rebels."


Ares paused. He hadn't expected that question. He winced as he realized what had to be done. "We need to make them an example. Bring them to me."

Ares's paws shook as he developed the idea. He reminded himself he was doing right, no matter how cruel the process seemed. He was giving them what they always wanted. When the idea had completely settled in his mind, he let out a roar. It bounced around the trees, and seemingly shook the felines below him. Every wildcat below him scurried to get out of his path. Ares jumped off the tree trunk and swaggered into the middle of the Anglo clearing. He slowly sat down, taking his time in his movements. If he rushed he would look nervous.

"Felines of Anglo, when I became leader I made each of you swear allegiance to me. Those who didn't because they were stupid, or couldn't because they weren't old enough or too were brought to me as prisoners. The elderly and the young were quickly killed as you remember." Ares almost choked on the memory as he remembered the crime. He could still smell the blood in the air. Ares remembered how it was justified, how he said they would only steal some of their food, and soldiers needed their strength. He knew he was right, but Ares still felt the guilt from the mothers' glares. He tried to halt his thoughts. He couldn't be emotional.

"I will now show you what happens to those who refuse to accept me," Ares sneered.

With that, three Anglo dragged out six bound felines, each with an iron clasp secured around their muzzle, feet, and neck. They had no chance of escape. Ares slowly turned his head around so he was looking directly at the youngest of them.

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