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            Darkness crept along the edge of the sky as day started to reach its end. Long clouds reached across the Proleum mountains in streaks, hiding the sunset from the bleak landscape. It was in that colorless cold land of the canines that a panthress lived, tending a smoky cave. She sat by herself in the cave entrance, licking the pearly edges of her claws. She flicked her black tail lazily against the ground, as if she were growing irritated with herself. Her pelt tingled with an anger she couldn't pinpoint. However, before she could lash out at all that was around her a sound came from outside. It was just a tiny echo, as if someone, and a large someone at that, had knocked over a pebble or two. The panthress let a smile creep across her face. Maybe he would be the one; maybe he would be the liar who could play the role of a lifetime. She lifted herself off the ground, her muscles barely even putting any effort into moving her sinewy body. Her smile turned into a frown of disappointment as she saw the visitor approach her cave.

The fading sun shone off his pelt, highlighting every last feature of his giant frame. Claws that were painted red on their tips grew out of his massive paws, and rough black fur grew off his toughened body. The fur grew in a million directions, like clashing waves when they met. His green eyes seemed to have a tinge of red to them. The panthress couldn't tell if it was from lack of sleep or something else. As he came closer to her cave, his massive shadow almost seemed to block out the sun. A ring of light was cast around him, but it only made him look darker. The feline looked like an angel of death on the mountain. He halted one pawstep away from her den, as if challenging her to come outside and meet him.

"You're Feluna. I believe I've come to the right place," the black panther stated, his voice rough and gravelly. It echoed from outside, like thunder in a stormy night. She had never been scared of storms as a cub, and didn't hesitate to reply from her domain.

"Do you seek to serve me?" she called, pretending to examine him again. The panthress didn't give a second glance to his scar-lined body. He was just like the others. A vengeful feline not strong enough to carry out his wrath on his own. So he, like all the other beasts of felines, had come to her den, dropping his black heart at her feet and asking to join her.

She waited for him to squirm under her golden gaze, but the panther remained as stoic as he had when she had first seen him.

"Why else would I be at this maggot den?" he growled, allowing himself in. The brutish feline smirked at the surroundings, not even caring to see the offense he had made. She growled, slowly raising her paw in the air. He didn't flinch as she brought it down across his face. Four long red cuts opened up across the wide bridge of his nose.

"Rule one, you do not disrespect me," she hissed. Taking a step forward so that her eyes were equal to his she added, "Understand?"

"Yes," he responded, no emotion in his voice. Though the panther was abnormally large, his head hung slightly down so that his eyes were no higher than hers.

"Now, what do you have to offer me?" the panthress asked, not really caring if he answered. His intentions were obvious as soon as he barged through the cave entrance.

"I can fight," he answered. The panthress had to hold back the urge to roll her eyes, instead hiding it with a cruel laugh. He flinched as her cackle ended.

"Come on, offer me something new," she barked. The huge panther shuffled his feet in thought, his eyes becoming locked on the ground.

"I have a sister. I have heard of your powers, and I believe she would be a good fit for them. She is stupid, but friendly. She's easy to trust. I believe you need felines like that, the easy to trust kind. If you give me the chance to fight for you I promise I will bring her to you," he explained, glancing upward to see her reaction.

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