Chapter 14: Owls

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The whole world stopped.

"My mother is dead. She was murdered a year and a half ago. She left me and my siblings to survive by ourselves." Cyrene refused to take her eyes off the willowy panthress.

"My Luna, is that what they're telling you?" Sheila sat down and cocked her head to the side.

"No one's telling me anything actually, since you abandoned me and all."

"Oh, let's not hold grudges! How's my little snowy one doing? Do you have a mate yet? Who's your best friend?"

"Cyrene, who's out there?" Cyrene breathed a sigh of relief as Omnes walked out of her den. The tigress's gaze froze on Sheila. "Who are you?"

"I'm Cyrene's mother, Sheila," the panthress widely grinned. Cyrene moved closer to Omnes.

"You're prettier than I remember. And taller," was all Omnes said.

"Wait, you know her?" Cyrene looked back and forth between the felines.

"Of course, I-"

"Go to Lili and make arrangements for your...mother," Omnes interrupted. "I don't see the resemblance, but if Sheila was your mother's name this must be her. You must've taken after your father."

Cyrene stared at Omnes as she lumbered back into her den and then moved her attention to Sheila. The panthress who could've been Luna incarnate sat there smiling.

The grin broke across her face before she knew what was happening. She had a mother. Sheila had come home.

"Well, are you going to take me to Lili?" Sheila finally said.

"Oh, of course, sorry!" Cyrene moved to lead the way.

"It's fine, I know where Lili's den is. Which glaring did you think your mother was from?"

Cyrene happily followed her mother, not wanting to leave her for a second. It seemed like a dream, an impossible one at that. She hopped along after her mother who was walking so gracefully that she seemed to be Luna herself. Cyrene never remembered being so happy in her life. The only suspicion in her mind was if Lili would allow her mom to stay. However, the leader would be dead soon, so it didn't matter if she said no. Cyrene was shocked as she realized what she had thought.

"Where were you all those years, by the way?" Cyrene asked, hopping up to her mother.

"I'll tell you that tonight," Sheila purred, looking at her daughter with pride. "A good story is best told at a good time."

Cyrene just shook her head in agreement, even though she didn't agree. She had already been fantasizing the epic tale of what had happened to Sheila, how some beast had chased her off, and she spent years trying to find her young.

In minutes they were at Lili's den. Cyrene confidently followed Sheila, knowing that Lili's choice wouldn't last long.

However, Cyrene's mood dropped when they arrived in the den. Lili was standing near the back, holding a dying leopard against the wall. A giant gash covered the side of his head, and cuts were on every inch of his golden fur. The tattoos on his body were flickering from bright to dim with every breath. She quickly recognized the leopard. It was the one that Lili had made an Omega. Cyrene looked at her mother to see her emotionless. Cyrene turned back to Lili. The sight was horrible. The omega leopard looked as if he had just escaped a shark attack. Cyrene let out a whimper. Lili slowly turned around and faced them; her jaws were stained red. Immediately, her gaze became locked on Sheila, eyes wide. She yelled and jumped towards her mother with claws unsheathed. Cyrene quickly screeched a spell.

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