Chapter 62: Locked Wishes

Start from the beginning

"— as real as lighting."

And then...

I — fell?

How did I... fall?

Where's Kakara?

I wanna be pampered by Mina.

I wanna talk to Papa.

I wanna bear hug Ishthyrlla.

People of Petora, where are you? Can you hear me?

I need to find Neo.

Neo, hang on, I'll —

I was flying wasn't I? With an Impundulu.

Fuck lightning.

Am I dead?

It feels like I'm in the womb.

It feels like I'm in an egg sack.

Buried underneath the ocean floor.

Am I about to be born?

Am I about to die?

What is this?

Is this the beginning?

Or is this the end?

Where's Neo?

If it's the beginning, and if it's the end...

Then she should be...

My name.

What is my name?

The world is upside down.

I can't breathe.

How am I not breathing?

I'm fading.

I'm disappearing.

The water is in my lungs.

I'm not adapting.

I'm suffocating.

I'm dying.

I don't have a pulse.

My blood is dropping.

There is no blood.

I can't feel anything.

I feel nothing.

There's no air.

It's cold.

It's so cold.

I can't see.

It's completely black.

There's no sound.

It's freezing.

It's burning.

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