" You know what tonight let's go drinking" Ohm exclaimed "And the first round will be on you traitor" he continued turning to me. 

"Admit it you guys just wanted me to buy you drinks" I said seeing their scheme "I almost fell for your bull***" I answered 

"I'll take that as a yes" Fong said " the usual bar?" he asked as Ohm & Peuk  nodded 

It's okay just a slight change of plan I can still invite Wat for drinks and I'll just go with him to his place. 

No worries. 

It was finally time for our music group meeting. 

I head to the music room, feeling ecstatic.

The first thing I saw when I arrived was Wat' he was standing near the stage talking to our group president. 

I run-walked toward him. 

"Heyo" I said trying to play it cool. 

"Oh hey Tine" our President said " How is practice going?" He asked "I know this guy can be a handful" He continued pointing to Sarawat. 

"P' I'm not" he pleaded 

"Yeah he's actually a great teacher" I said supporting his plea. 

"Well I hope both of you signed up for our charity work next week, we could use a hand" He said in a desperate tone *

"I'll try to work that out" Wat said 

"Same" I answered. 

"Perfect I'll go try to convince some of the freshmen too" He said as he took off. 

"What a weird guy" I observed out loud. 

"Yes" Wat flatly said. 

he was acting awfully quiet, was he mad at me for this morning? 

Than again, it's Sarawat he's the definition of quiet.

No panic needed.

"Hey Wat I'm going out with the guys tonight would you like to join us ?" I managed to say in one breath. 

"Hun ?" he said confused 

"Well they wanted me to buy them some drinks because I'm supposedly an awful human being and I wanted us to all hang out together" I tried to explain 

He stared blankly at me and terror was flowing in my veins. 

"Boss and Man too! We had so much fun last time" at this point I was spouting nonsense 

 "Oh I see" He said "I'm cool with it, they'll never turn down drinks" he continued. 

Sarawat POV: 

A penny for you thoughts ?! I'm ready to give out millions to understand just what the heck was going on in that head of yours.

After leaving like a thief after what happened yesterday, you just expect me to act all cool and hang out with you and your friends. 

Goddammit I like you. 

I just can't say no to you, or stay mad at you for that matters. 

I texted Man and Boss informing them of the situation. 

I know I told him to take his time, and to think of me as a possibility, but maybe he's just not that interested and he doesn't know how to let me down.

He's such a bright and cheerful person, even when he looses his temper he's the cutest.

I know I'm probably biased but trying not to fall for this man in impossible. 

The result of all this is me enduring a night out with his friends.

I went back home after band practice, I took a shower and decided to take a nap since it was still early. 

My bed really felt too big thanks to the absence of my favorite Nuisance, but I was just so tired I slept in a blink. 


Brrr, Brrr, Brrr.

I woke up to 15 missed calls from Man, and a bunch of messages. 

Damn, I slept in. 

"Yo what happen, after you said we should meed up you went MIA" Man shouted.

Loud music was blasting around him I could barely understand what he was saying. 

"Just get here as fast as you can your man has totally lost it" Man blurred out before hanging up.

I head to the bar as quick as humanly possible when I got there I found Man in the parking lot trying to convince a very drunk Tine that threes were not monsters planning to attack the club. 

"Thank goodness you're here" Man exclaimed as he saw me "My job here is done and just so you know you owe me" he continued. 

"Tine, let's go home" I quietly said trying to get him up.

"Saraleo !" He shouted "You stood me up" he continued.

I did what ?

"I did not, I just slept in, I'm sorry" I said in a soft voice "Now let's get you home hun" I said as I got a hold of him. 

We took a cab to my place and he slept the whole drive. 

Doesn't he have any self control ? Can't he just drink and not get totally wasted,what would have happened if Man was not there.

He rested his head on my shoulder, his cheeks bright red, he looked so cute.

Moments later we arrived home, I layed him on my bed and went to grab some clean clothes to change him into.

He woke up as I was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oi Saraleo" He blurted "What are you doing to me" he questioned 

"Don't worry I'm just getting you in something clean" I calmly responded 

"You ruin everything" he screamed exasperated 

I stopped and stared at him. 

 "I wanted to get drinks, and tell you about that piece of cake that I want, and make you pay rent" he pleaded like a child "but you ruined everything" he continued pouting 

Someone invent a Tine dictionary please. 

"It's okay we'll just grab some drinks another day" I said softly changing him into one of my shirt. 

"That's a promise" he asked placing my face between his palms. 

I nodded and he smiled at me before dropping a kiss on my lips. 

"Good night" he whispered before crashing on my bed. 

Author's nonsense : 

I was so devastated after this week's episode I couldn't go with my original script, I promise you some fluffiness for the next  chapters. 

Kisses Fairies 🧚‍♀️💜

Teacher's Pet : Sarawat / TineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum