chapter 44

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*2 years later...*

kasperi's pov:

It's been 2 years ago since Francisca and I got engaged and then got married. We are now happy as a family and I couldn't be more happier than with anyone else. Ryder just turned 2 years old yesterday and I may be crazy about him turning 2 since I cried all night long thinking Ryder growing up too fast.

Don't judge me but I still can't believe he's 2 presently.

I shook my head from my thoughts and began cooking French Toast with Eggs for breakfast.

Francisca appeared downstairs with Ryder in her arms and grinned as she inhales the scent down here.


As we were done eating with our breakfast, I examined my watch and swore under my breath.

"...Ok, I gotta go. Bye, babe." I kissed her cheek as I packed my stuff for practice at the arena. "And bye-bye, Ry."

I then kissed his cheek as he giggled and goofily ate his French Toast. Franny and I then laughed as he makes a mess over his plate.

"Bye, dad." He let out, waving as I made my way to the front door.

"Bye, Ryder." I announced, grinning.

"Bye, babe." Francisca shouted before I shut the door and grin.

I leaped in my car and settle my bag in the backseat as I glanced at the wedding ring on my finger and gleamed.


francisca's pov:

I puked in the toilet and wiped it away onto my backhand as I was accomplished puking and stood up before I could flush it.

Probably the food I ate last night.

As I was done brushing my teeth, I gently picked up Ryder as he was playing my keys on the floor.

"Oh my goodness, Ryder, you're getting so big." I explained.

"I know." He confided, goofily. I chuckled and changed his shirt into a small jersey of Toronto Maple Leafs; Kapanen.

"Are we going to dad's game again?" He asked.

"Yep." I told, popping 'p' at the end.

He then jumps on the bed, giggling as I groaned at the mess he made.

I then felt something in my stomach and felt the urge to puke again. I ran to the bathroom and puked again in the toilet. As I was accomplished, I flushed it and brushed my teeth once again. I then started up guessing 'why am I puking a lot today?'

Then, that's when realizing what happened few weeks ago comes up.

Oh my god. We didn't use protection.

I widened my eyes and examined the time '5:30 pm'.

It's still early.

I unlocked the carton and took out a pregnancy test as I closed the door and sat down.

*few minutes later...*

I waited a couple of minutes to see the results as I patiently sat down one of the stools with the test on my lap.

As it was nearly showing, I then gasped and tears began streaming over my eyes. It came blurry from the tears before I could look away and sob onto my hands.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Ryder asked as he approached me and wiped away the tears with his jersey.

"I'm not, honey. These are just happy tears." I announced, happily. I grinned as he hugged me tightly and then gulped and opened wider for him to be hugged tightly back.

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