Diary turned Human

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Tom Riddle fled as silently as he could from the Chamber. It was a dangerous time. Soon, he was certain, Dumbledore would notice that Potter boy's disappearance and come flying down to try and 'save' him along with that dead Weasley girl. He ignored the fact that that was a bad thing, he ignored the torment that it would have caused him to really think over such things. He needed to find a hiding place, and rather soon, for he was certain that Dumbledore would return not too long from now, and he was more than sure that Dumbledore would instantly suspect him, not that, other than the Chamber itself, there was really any reason to. It was over 30 years into the future. His sixteen year old self had not thought that when he awoke it would be so...far ahead. Though he cannot count himself annoyed with such a fact. 

"I said no," 

Voices. Tom hesitated, pausing, to peer over the corner. There were two people. A boy, probably a first or second year he supposed, speaking to another person. It seemed to be a Professor. The blue eyes of the boy flickered to his own, instantly catching them and a small look of curiosity hid between them, but it was hidden just as easily. 

"Very well. I suppose it is for the best." The boy stated simply. Tom watched, wary. he could not see the child's house crest from where he was standing, just the side of his face. 

"What are you doing out this late anyways?" The Professor asked.

"Ah, I wished to ask Professor Lockhart something. I went to his office but, I could not find him. I am afraid that I forgot to hand in an assignment. I was worried what this may do to my overall grade and was going to ask him for an extension. I had been worried about it all day. I was going to leave it for tomorrow, given the fact that it is almost curfew but..." The pale boy bit his lower lips, eyes downcast demurely. "I knew that I would not be able to sleep." A small shuffling of steps, "Father would kill me if he found out I forgot something so simple as an assignment." The boy seemed to mutter it, but it was obvious that he uttered it loud enough for the Professor to hear. 

Whoever this Professor was just sighed before waving their hand.

"Very well, very well, I shall talk to Professor Lockhart about extending your due date, but please, beware of time. You only have a half hour before curfew."

"Of course, thank you Professor." The boy said softly, eyes turned to the Professor wide and thankful. 

The Professor moved around the boy muttering curses under her breath, but the child made no notice of that. Tom, finally able to get a relatively clear profile of the boy, realized that he was in his house, a Slytherin. 

The boy strode up to him confidently. He seemed to pause, slightly, as he came within reaching distance. Pale blue eyes gazed him up and down, the crest on his pectoral, and the state of his robes. Assessing, cataloging, thinking, sorting, all within moments the blue eyes turned wide to look at him. A small smirk played at his lips, but other emotions seemed wiped from his face. 

With little thought, the boy grabbed his arm, startling Tom greatly, a sound of anger and offense escaping him, but the boy shook his head, ignoring him. It was not the first time someone had tried to grab him, but this boy seemed a bit...different from those people. His grip was gentle, lax, and careful, as though trying to convey urgency without the need for words, but hesitant to truly order something through nonverbal language. Tom, therefore, held down his instant anger, and simply followed the boy, watching him carefully. While he may not particularly be fond of the fact, this boy could have easily sold him out to that Professor, and yet he had done no such thing.

"The curfew is about to start, Dumbledore is about to re-enter the castle," The boy muttered, his voice cultured. "It would be best should you not be anywhere within his vicinity when that happened. You are lucky I was the one that saw you first, not someone else." Tom did little to respond to the boy as he led him down to the dungeons, the Slytherin dorms. 

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