Dressing for a Feast

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"Honey." Steve's voice pulled me back out of my sleep. My eyes fluttered open and for a second I just blinked up at him a little disoriented. "El, it's time to get up. We gotta get ready for Thor's celebrations."

I sat up and stretched, looking around at everyone. Sam had been acting as my pillow and Thor had returned with Loki who was now a woman again. But Natasha, Wanda, Bruce, and Tony were all missing. "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes, you did," Bucky said. "Drooled all over Sam."

"Oh," I said, wiping my mouth. "Sorry, Sam."

"It's okay. It was cute." Sam said, rubbing my back.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. Guess the stress got to me."

"Don't worry about it," Sam said. "You obviously needed it."

I got up and stretched out my spine. "Okay, getting ready. What do I need to do?"

"I have clothes for you in here, with tailors to take them in if need be. And Loki has organized a team for hair and makeup in Wanda's room." Thor explained.

"Oh, wow," I said. "Didn't trust me to do my own makeup, Loki?"

"Like you even factored into the decision," Loki scoffed. "I just didn't want to paint my own face."

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "So clothes first?"

"Yes, follow me," Thor said. He led me into my room where a team of tailors were dressing Bruce and Tony. Bruce was being fitted into an indigo and gold outfit that was a blend of scaled armor and long silk-like jacket. Tony seemed to be forgoing Asgardian wear, over an Armani suit. Though he was allowing them to add embellishments in gold and red to the black.

Thor nodded to one of the tailors and she pulled a gown off the rack that was a dark blue, satin-like material. I took off the dress I was wearing and right away she began to help me into the new dress. Another two tailors came over and began taking in sections as quickly as their hands could move. Not that they seemed to need to do much. It fit pretty perfectly.

The gown was strapless with intricate silver filigree that trickled down into the skirt and trimmed the symmetrical lines of the hem. When they were happy with the fit the armor and jewelry came out. I was strapped into a silver breastplate that had dark blue filigree that mirrored the silver that it was covering so where the breastplate ended it looked like it flipped colors into the skirt. Next, they put on shoulder guards and vambraces in the same silver with blue filigree. They wrapped a fine filigree band that had leaves and blossoms on it around my upper arm and put a matching choker around my neck. By the time I was fully dressed, Tony and Bruce were gone and Clint and Bucky were being dressed too.

Clint was being dressed in plum and black leather. The jacket was knee length and the leather was embossed with a beautiful design that looked like a mixture of feathers and air-currents. Bucky was being fitted in leather plated armor of deep green and gold and there was a black fur cloak waiting to go over it.

"What do you think, my love?" Thor asked.

"It's beautiful. What do you think?" I asked spinning.

"Gorgeous," Thor said, smiling. "It is as if all the air has been sucked from the room."

"Flatterer," I said coming over and kissing his cheek.

"Asgardian clothes suit you, El," Bucky said.

"You look pretty good in them too, Buck," I said

Thor handed me a tiara in silver with blue crystals that matched the other jewelry. "Take this to the hairstylist to put in." He said.

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