The Palace

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Thor led us through into the grand entrance of the palace. It was a massive hall almost a football field wide with large doors coming off it and staggered stairs up, so it gradually rose up. Everything was ornately decorated in gold. From the gilding on the marble floors to the intricate artwork on the ceiling. There were pillars at even intervals on the way down and in the distance ahead was a large doorway and light spilled from it. Guards, dressed in gold, were stationed at the pillars on either side of the hall. It was clear that the hall was built to hold the city if need be and was used for official events.

"Ahead is the throne room, but we are heading to the royal wing," Thor said taking a right turn before we reached the throne room

This hall was much smaller but still bigger than any in our house, which was bigger than the average house. The light coming through the large arched windows and skylights seemed golden too. It was as if the whole of Asgard was just dipped in gold.

"This palace is vast," Loki said. She was carrying Pietro still who was now looking around a little. "You could be easily lost."

"And no FRIDAY to help," I joked.

"Was that a challenge?" Tony asked.

"No. She's just not here so I don't get lost." I said giving him a look.

"Sounded like a challenge to me." Tony insisted.

"It wasn't, Tony!"

"Steve, tell her," Tony said. "No, wait. Bug, didn't mommy just challenge me?"

Riley nodded her head sagely. "Is a chawenge."

"Thanks, Bug. And what do we say to those?"

"Chawange assepted!" She roared.

I started laughing and shook my head. "Oh, god. What have you been teaching her?"

"Nothing, she's just my little girl." He said.

"So what does that actually mean?" I asked. Are you installing AI into the palace?" I asked.

"No, not the palace." He said. "Maybe you can have a personalized AI butler," Tony said.

I looked at him quizzically. "For me specifically?"

"Well, duh. You get lost in your own room."

Steve snorted as he tried to stifle a laugh and I smacked his arm. "Well, thank you, Tony," I said.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and gave me a squeeze. "Oh, good. I thought I was going to get in trouble for that one."

"For making me something because you're worried about me? Never." I said.

"So, my little bug. Should I make mommy a bracelet or a robot?" He asked.

"Robod," Riley said without even pausing to think about it.

Tony ruffled her hair. "You got it, kiddo."

Thor smiled and turned, opening a door. "I thought you might like to invent while you were here, so I had this made for you and Banner."

Tony looked at the lab and then at Thor in shock. "You made a lab for me?" He said coming in and slowly walking around the room.

"Yes, of course. I want you to feel at home." He said.

There was the briefest of moments where Tony looked at Thor with the softest and most loving expression. I think he was starting to see what I had been seeing this week and missed. Thor was in love with us. Completely. We weren't a side project for him. He wanted us to be with him here. Being king was his side project keeping him from us. Not the other way around.

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