We are now in this exclusive vip room for the team here in a club.

"I hear Eunice will be here after a minute" Eric informed us.

Our manager nodded like he is pleased that Eunice will be joining this celebration.

"Looks like someone here is not pleased at the moment" then they started making weird noises; teasing me.

I rolled my eyes and grab a can of beer. I'm exhausted and all but since I can't say no to this one, maybe I should just carry on.

"Come on bud. We saw how Eunice look at you" Haknyeon interrupted "it's not bad to atleast be friend with her you know" then he let out a chuckle.

Is he nuts?!

I saw Hwall intensely looking at me, like I'm some puzzle that he needs to solve. I tilt my head and raise a brow to him. He just shrugged.

"Oh! I forgot! You got a girlfriend huh? Who is she again? Jia? I heard she's a fan" then Haknyeon started laughing his ass laugh out loud.

My eyes widden with that same with Hwall and the other member who knew about my relationship.

Our manager turned to me, "you have what?!" He slightly raise his voice.

I shifted at my seat and drink the vodka in my glass.

"I think Haknyeon got it wrong manager-nim" Hwall tried to excuse but the face of our manager says it all.

Number 1 rule, never be in a relationship if you want to succeed in this field. And I get it.

I lower my head. "I can still-"

"You can't!" Our manager cut me from talking, "you are bound to be with Eunice and not with some random fan!"

I gritted my teeth, "she's not just a random fan" then I look at Haknyeon who looks sorry maybe he realize the mess he just did.

I sigh, "I'm sorry about that. I know you are just worried because of the raising rumours about me and Eunice dating but that's all a lie!" Then I get another shot.

Our manager sigh in disbelief, "cut tie with her" manager-nim said in a hard tone.

"NO!" I hardly protested. Not now and never!

"YES! Younghoon you got a better future ahead of you and the team! You think it will be just you? You got them!" Then manager-nim pointing  out the members who tried to be busy and not minding this tension between me and the manager.

"If you let your career go into a disaster. I can let you on that one Younghoon. But we are talking here as a band. Your decision can affect others too!" Manager-nim reasoned out.

I played with the ice inside my glass "so you mean to say, I need to choose between my love of life and this career?" I asked, making the other members turn to us. Now I got their attention.

No one dared to talk, manager-nim just look at me with a serious look, as if saying that I already know what I should do.

I shrugged and get another shot of vodka, "then I'll choose her"

I can see that some of the members were alert, some looks like they don't agree with my decision and some looks like they understand me and that it's okay if I leave this industry and settle for good.

I can see the shocking expression of our manager, but before he could talk, the door of our VIP room open up showing Eunice with a maroon halter dress, night make up and a long beachy wave hair.

She looks stunning as expected from a Victoria's secret model.

"Hey people!" She said happily.

I saw the other members of the band stand up and greeted her.

Here By Your Side | Younghoon Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon