"Feel the beats," Nina shouted to her, "Like this," she closed her eyes, moving her body to the right and the left with each consecutive drum beat. Alizeh followed suit and closed her eyes, letting the music sink into her body. She could feel the beats ebbing and flowing like the rhythms of her heart. It was an experience like never before. She opened her eyes and lo behold, she was following the music, albeit clumsy.

The three formed a closed circle and danced to their fullest, no doubt catching the eye of many people, in their designer dresses.

"How lucky for you to have a dress designer boss...Yoo-hoo!" Aileana almost shouted in her ear. "Lucky us," Nina whistled. After a few more dances and swigs of alcohol, they settled down back on their seats.

"I need a drink, man. I'm parched," Alizeh mewed weakly.

"Lemme get that!" Aileana got up with renewed energy.


"No alcohol. I got it, babe," Aileana crooned, moving to the bar.

"I really need to go to meet Ash!" Nina drawled.

"You're in no condition. You're totally tipsy. Someone will kidnap you if you go out in this condition," Alizeh retorted.

"Aahh...Fine, mother hen. I'll just call Ash to pick me up," Nina sounded more comical than angry as she dialled his number.

"Here's your Raspberry Mojito and my Fire vodka," Aileana was back with two glasses. She extended the red one to Alizeh.

"Mojito? But I..."

"Alizeh, it's a non-alcoholic one," Nina sounded annoyed. "I have had it before. It's good."

"Okay," Alizeh mumbled, taking a sip. The liquid felt bubbly with a tang and it was warm on her tongue. They talked about this and that for a while until Nina's phone rang.

"Guys. I think I'll stay over at his place tonight, so I'm collecting my luggage from home," Nina announced, jiggling her keys.

"See you next weekend, Lean," she placed a little kiss on Aileana's cheek before hopping out of the bar. They both laughed over her excitement. "Seems like hot sex tonight!" Alizeh winked.

Aileana excused herself to the washroom as Alizeh sat alone sipping her drink. She was feeling a bit fuzzy. Must be the exhaustion, she thought. She looked around at the lights. They were glaring in her eyes. Halos danced in her vision.

"Hey, I'm back. So, what do you do exactly at the cloud?" Aileana sat down beside her in Nina's empty chair.

"Nothing much. I help my miss...I mean mistress with dresses..."Alizeh replied, wondering at the slip.

"But I thought you were the maid. You don't design dresses," Aileana pointed out.

"No. I have another job..."

"What job?" Aileana's image doubled in her vision. Alizeh's head felt heavy.

"Job...writing..." Alizeh as losing the train of her thoughts. Her mind seemed to have liquefied in a few minutes and it was difficult to get hold of concrete thoughts.

"Writing what?"

"Wait. I feel funny," Alizeh got up but her feet were unsteady. She collapsed into her seat again. "What did you do?"

"What?" Aileana's blurry image looked hesitant.

"You spiked my drink. You fucking mixed alcohol in my mojito," Alizeh's voice rose an octave. She felt anger. She felt betrayal. All the feelings were getting muddled up into an all-consuming sadness.

"I...I didn't mean to...I thought I could get you...t...to...speak," Aileana stammered.

"You bitch!" Alizeh screamed. More than one heads turned to them.

"Is there a problem, miss?" one concerned man was at her side, helping her up.

"This woman has no consideration for my religion or my choices. She effing spiked my drink," Alizeh spluttered, lifting an accusing finger at her friend.

"Here. Have some lemon water," someone from the crowd offered her a drink.

She grabbed the glass with shaking hands and dunked the whole in one gulp. In a few minutes, her head felt lighter and she could focus once more.

Aileana was busy giving explanations as to how it was just a harmless prank on her roommate. Alizeh got up. This was the last straw. She had never imagined Aileana could stoop that low.

"Excuse me, but could you perhaps drop me home?" Alizeh asked a kind looking lady in her mid-thirties.

"Sure hon!" the lady replied as they exited the place. Alizeh didn't turn back even once. She was done with Aileana.

A/N What do you think will happen next? Will Alizeh forgive her? How will their lives change?

A/N What do you think will happen next? Will Alizeh forgive her? How will their lives change?

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