Chapter 14

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Alizeh felt a pair of rough hands pulling her out of the car

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Alizeh felt a pair of rough hands pulling her out of the car. Her head felt heavy as lead and it was a struggle to keep her eyes open.

"Where are you taking me?" she mumbled only to be dragged out completely. She felt the car door shut forcefully and a pair of hands holding her by the shoulders. The grip was firm, but not hard. Half asleep, she hobbled on, trying to to get out of her captor's grip but he jerked her back. Her legs gave way suddenly as if somebody had tied iron chains to them. She leaned back for support and the person behind, caught her steadily.

"I can't walk. I...I...My legs!" she cried.

"Damn Jace!" a male voice muttered, "Stupid fool doesn't know how much anaesthesia to be used."

"Come!" she felt herself being lifted off her feet and soon she was in the air, a strong pair of hands, holding her bridal style. She was in the arms of a stranger! What the hell! She struggled against the chest of her captor. He only laughed and held her closer.

She could almost smell the intoxicating scent of his cologne mixed with a manly odor. She gave up struggling, as a fresh bout of sleepiness overtook her. In a few seconds, however, she jolted into awareness and her vision seemed to clear a bit and she found herself moving through an unknown passageway. It was lit by an eerie blue light that strayed from somewhere and had darkness on either end.

She looked up, hoping to catch a glimpse of the face of her abductor but all she saw was a black mask completely covering his face. It was black as night and gilded at the edges. It made him seem more mysterious and frightening. Just then, bright fluorescent lights blinded her and she instinctively shielded her eyes against the painful glare.

"Can you sit down?" the man whispered into her ear.

She nodded silently.

"Be good. We promise you we're not the bad guys," he said in the same husky tone.

Not the bad guys? They got her kidnapped. She had the quip ready on her lips when a door flew open at the other end of the room and a short, curvy figure walked in. she was clad in black from the neck down and had a gaudy gold mask covering the whole of her face. Her heels clattered on the floor as she drew up a chair and sat down opposite to Alizeh.

"Good job, Agent J," she nodded to the man who bowed and disappeared without a word.

"Hello. I'm Agent X," she extended her gloved hands to Alizeh, who cringed in fear. The secrecy of the entire place looked like a Mafia hideout from the olden days. But in the modern clouds with their elaborate policing how did these organizations thrive?

"Fine, " she rolled her eyes. "I thought you're one of the feisty ones. Look we have a job for you and you'll work for us. We'll pay you and stuff ..."

"Wait. If you had work, all you do had to ask me. I'm looking for a job. Why did you kidnap me?" Alizeh's voice rose.

She heard the click of a gun and a metallic barrel was pointed at her. She froze. The woman dangled the gun on her little finger, seemingly bored, "We don't raise our voice here, Miss. We're all civilized people." She warned.

"Civilized criminals," Alizeh hissed.

"Criminals? Ho no-no," the woman laughed out loud as if Alizeh had made a very convenient joke. "Who the hell told you we're criminals? I mean we do some stuff that aren't legal but gangsters and us? No," she looked straight at Alizeh. Her eyes were dark black, like a pool of liquid tar and only pure determination shone in them.

"Then what do you need me for?"

But Alizeh's words were cut off roughly when the door burst open again and a lady in a midnight blue pantsuit entered the room, her brown eyes scanning the room. She wore a gorgeous silver mask like a filigree of lace, woven with what Alizeh presumed were rhinestones.

"Lady A, I assure you there has been a mistake. We didn't mean to," Agent J was beside her, his attitude completely submissive.

Alizeh's interrogator abruptly shot up from the chair. Looking uneasily between them. So this was the boss. She walked right up to her and yanked her up by the arm. Alizeh whimpered as a sharp pain shot through her hand.

"This one was supposed to be mine. I need her for some work," the boss glared at them all.

"But the innovation department needs more people. This one came to work from some Arya Fashions," X shot out. Her attitude was servile and yet defiant.

"Ahh. I'll deal with that issue later. Arya won't miss her."

Alizeh's blood froze, sweat trickling down her back. Her employer wasn't searching for her anymore. She was doomed into being the toy of these dangerous people. Lady A looked straight at Alizeh but her eyes seemed to move away. They were unfocused.

"But..." X tried to say something. Those eyes moved towards her and yet missed the target by a mark.

"How many times do I tell you lady, don't bring just anyone here. They need to be willing to work. You can't kidnap people and force them to work on the mission. Damn!" Lady A's voice was suddenly soft, "There will be a chance of them betraying us." Her last words seemed kind of distant and painful. Do serial killers feel pain?

"Anyway," her voice was firmer now, "I'm taking her," Lady A announced as Alizeh was again dragged out through the common passage.

"Out of the frying pan, into the fire," Alizeh mumbled.

"Keep your writer self locked away in public, girl, or go back to Cloud Nine," the boss hissed just as they emerged into the big street. A sleek, silver car wheeled in.

"Get in," the silver lady ordered. Alizeh gave a longing glance at the open sky before going into captivity again.

"Don't look like I'm imprisoning you girl!" the boss snapped, her eyes looking towards the driver now, "I'm giving you a ticket to your freedom. This car will drop you at your employer's place." The door closed before she could mumble anything.

"From the next time, be careful before you trust anyone here," Lady A warned before the windows rolled up and the car started.

"From the next time, be careful before you trust anyone here," Lady A warned before the windows rolled up and the car started

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