Chapter 20

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Alizeh's phone vibrated on her desk just as she was in the middle of untangling a long string of words which were looking out of place. Irritated, she cut the call without looking and shoved the phone into her pocket.

"I'm done with this piece of writing," Alizeh announced just as Arya entered her office with her sketching pad in tow. She had poured out her heart's anger in the piece where she had talked about the prejudices and the cold war between the nations that incited the battle of humanity's destruction.

"Well then maybe you could help me choose the fabric for the dress. Do you want rayon, silk or satin?" Arya settled into the chair beside her, dumping the art supplies with a sigh.

"I guess I'd like something coarse. How about rayon? I want this piece to be less costly also," her phone vibrated in her pocket again and she ignored it.

"Mmhmm!" Arya mumbled, scribbling quickly.


"Blood red."

Arya looked up. Alizeh blushed and adjusted her glasses, "Sorry ..."

"White script," Arya confirmed, jotting both down.

"Good. Then I'll go back to the designing. You grab some coffee and meet me at my office, will you?" Arya dragged the chair noisily and strode to the door, her heels making a clip-clop noise on the wooden flooring.

Alizeh's phone vibrated again and the screen flashed 'LEAN' in bold letters. She propped up the phone so that her face was visible.

"Aileana I was busy...I,"

"Where have you been? I was so worried about you? You never called after reaching there," Aileana cut her off, waving her hands wildly, "I've been trying to reach you but it showed out of network and for a split second I thought your plane had some accident and you never reached the cloud."

"Calm down girl! I'm okay," Alizeh tried to pacify her agitated friend. "Actually it was out of charge..."

Alizeh didn't have the heart to tell a friend that she had been kidnapped and her phone lost in the process. Arya had to use her contacts to retrieve her phone and all the luggage from the car that originally picked her up.

"Actually. I'm sorry for venting on you. It's just that Nina's phone is unreachable too. And I'm handicapped without you both."

"Ahh girl. She must be doing work too. It's the middle of the day," Alizeh twirled in her chair once before asking, "Besides why aren't you at your classes?

"Didn't feel like it," Aileana looked down, playing with her hands.

"I know that look. What happened?" Alizeh purred, soft and cajoling.

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