Nanamiki/Kirizono - fine wine

Start from the beginning

Mikan patted Chiaki's head and smiled. "Sorry."

"There's only one thing that can fix this!" Chiaki smirked a bit. Mikan knew what she wanted.

"What will that be?" Mikan smiled. She knew what was coming next.

Chiaki sprung into action and pinned Mikan to the couch. She leaned in and kissed Mikan on the lips. The taste of red wine flooded her senses.

Chiaki didn't care much for it. It was bitter, and Chiaki couldn't even imagine how it tasted anything like grapes.

But she didn't really mind it as long as Mikan tasted like it.

word count: 601
This was fun to write,,
~now it's kirizono time~

Wine. Red wine, specifically. It happened to be one of Kyoko's favorites, since she had a knack for more bitter tastes. Sayaka, on the other hand, didn't really mind. Even though she preferred sweeter things, wine was one exception.

Plus, Sayaka was a lightweight. She got drunk way faster than anyone Kyoko knew. When Sayaka got drunk, it seemed like she voiced her thoughts a lot more.

For example, once while Sayaka was drunk, Kyoko was getting changed. Usually, she'd receive a flirty comment from her fiancé, but this time Sayaka just muttered a "Wow."

Kyoko didn't get drunk easily. It was part of her detective training, but now it just seemed like a curse. It took almost a whole bottle of wine to even start feeling a little loopy.

Right now, Kyoko and Sayaka were drinking wine together. It was a Saturday night, and neither of them had work in the morning.

The two of them liked to watch movies together while drinking. Specifically, movies that Sayaka was in.

(A/N: headcannon that after high school and being an idol she became an actress.)

Every time she would appear onscreen, Sayaka would point and say, "Oh my god! Who is that?" Every time Kyoko would reply something like, "No idea. She's really pretty though." Then Sayaka would blush.

In this movie, Sayaka played a mom who's dog died or something. (I can't remember what happened in that dog movie,, like Marley something??)

"Kyoko, guess what." Sayaka stared at Kyoko intensely.


"I dunno." Sayaka giggled. "I just like to hear your voice."

Kyoko blushed a little. Sayaka sure was flattering.

By the end of the movie, Sayaka was crying.

"Why are you crying? You already know what going to happen. You're literally in the movie." Kyoko was extremely confused at Sayaka's crying.

"It's s-still," Sayaka sniffled, "So sad."

Well, if Sayaka would continue crying, the least Kyoko could do was comfort her, right?

"Here, then." Kyoko wrapped her arms around Sayaka, patting her head slowly. In all of the years they'd been together, this always seemed to calm Sayaka down.

"I wanna kiss." Sayaka pouted. Without saying anything back, Kyoko kissed Sayaka's forehead. Sayaka shook her head and leaned in for an actual kiss. Kyoko's blush deepened.

"You're blushing!"

"N-no I'm not. You're imagining things. You are pretty drunk." Kyoko tried go hide her blush.

"Nuh-uh! I see you blushing!" Sayaka giggled.

Kyoko covered Sayaka's eyes. "You don't see anything."

"Oh my god, Kyoko I don't see anything!" Sayaka slightly panicked.

"Yes. You can't see anything."

"I can still hear you, though! So I guess this isn't really half bad.." Sayaka smiled.

Kyoko took her hand off of Sayaka's face. Sayaka really enjoyed seeing Kyoko flustered, huh? Kyoko looked back at the screen to see that the movie was over.

"Let's go upstairs. The movie's over." Kyoko tried to stand, but Sayaka pulled her back in.

"Carry me!" Sayaka insisted, bringing Kyoko even closer to her.

Without protesting, Kyoko picked Sayaka up and carried her to their bedroom.

(A/N: my eyes get really red when I cry,, so I've been in the bathroom for like ten minutes after crying to wait for them to calm down lmao.)

"I'm gonna throw you." Kyoko smiled, preparing to throw Sayaka onto their bed.

"You wouldn't."

"I will." Kyoko proceeded to throw Sayaka onto their bed.

Sayaka screamed. "I'm gonna get you back one day. Just you wait."

"If you can even remember." Kyoko shrugged, taking her gloves off.

"I'm not that drunk." Sayaka giggled.

"Alright. Then I'll suppose that you can tell me your last name." Kyoko smirked.

"Holy.." Sayaka looked especially surprised. "What's my last name..?"

"It's going to be Kirigiri soon." Kyoko smiled, playing with some of Sayaka's hair.

"Really? Kirigiri is a lovely name.. it kind of reminds me of you!"

"That's because it's my last name," Kyoko sighed. Just how drunk was Sayaka?

"Oh!" Sayaka giggled, then continued in a sing-song sort of voice, "We're getting married!"

Word count: 687
I forgot to post,, but I got acnh today. My friend code is 4887 0510 4023 okay have a nice day. I can't remember if I proofread this but it's cool

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